Hey guys. I've been playing sof2 for some time now going onto around 2-3 years. But only recently have i started playing wars and competitions in australian servers. But recently I've been accussed by some admins for blocking punkbuster screenshots. I do not hack and will never resort to something so low. So i asked an admin of some of the servers to help me solve this problem. Eventually the problem was narrowed down to the screenshots returning when anti aliasing was disabled then failing to return when it was enabled. Then I tried turning the monitor refresh rate to 70 instead of 60. Then my screenshots were returning perfectly with anti aliasing on. I was then told that this was just because I had a cheap nonamed brand of video card. Which is true, I have a geforce 7300GT 256mb under the brandname Eagle. I got TWO admins to check my screenshots and they both said they were working correctly. Once my screenshots started returning properly again it was fine for a few wars, then after one war i was accussed again of blocking pb again yet I have NOT used anything to block punkbuster or used any hacks in games. This time my screenshots were returning the same screenshot everytime not just blank shots. One admin simply said it doesn't look good for you and left it at that. I got quiet angry at this because I am a legit player looking for a solution that noone will really help with. Can you guys help me make my pb screenshots return correctly?