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    Kill Them All
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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. I have read the page(s) here and on other sites. I am pissed off that they are doing this. But one thing you can be sure of, is they had plans to do this when they made the MP part of the game awhile back. They only released the news now close to the release date. They seen the pre-order numbers and thought $$$$$$$$$$ and thought no one would do anything but suck it up. The best way is to cancel pre-orders as many of us have. But it looks like they are going all consule. I have a clan mate and she has seen COD on consule. The cheaters are everywhere, they are flying and everything else. But as a few have said here already alot of money in consule games. Will they change? I hope so but I really think they are not going to. My question is: Why are the server companys not stepping up? They are looking to lose alot of money, as I am sure that they have made room on their servers for hosting CODMW2. They are now losing money from pre-orderd servers beening cancelled? Plus future servers been rented. Are the server companys not voicing any thoughts on this? Just wondering. What a way to kill your best series :angry: Looks like time to find a new game to move to and get a server in. :-(
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