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Everything posted by _EC_rambo

  1. ok im an admin in my clans server and i dont no anything about pb screenshots...how to get them or look at them for hacks....do u guys suggest any certain ones that work fine and that can help me keep hackers outta the server....ive banned a few ppl for no recoil hacks that i could see but i cant see anything else bc i dont no how....lookin for just a good screenshots program or somthing or anything....and how do i get a full guid? or can i
  2. how do i adjust the value of it to get it back to 800
  3. ok ive posted on a few sites now about this problem but no one seems really what to do and how to fix it....ive had it for a few days now......when i join my clans server _EC_ it kicks me for a cvar viloation...im an admin on the server..............the kick says Punkbuster Client.WinDrv:WindowsClient Windowed View port X * = 782: must be INSIDE 800 to 1920 ( VIOLATION) if any of you guys can help me plzz do so i can get back to playin with me clan.....thx _EC_][rambo][
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