Ok, so what is to stop this from happening to any
other game out there? Say like Call Of Duty 4 which
we have 4 Servers running with Punkbuster?
I'm sorry, but as an Admin, it just pisses me off to
no end. Sure i can understand that it is a business on
both ends. But is this what it has come down to?
I guess thats what it is all about anyways.
As if In-Game Advertising Spamming isn't enough already.
Now it just goes to show that all they want is our money, and
not about Producing a Real Good Game anymore, Just something
that they can get out before Christmas and Sell.. Sell.. Sell..
UT3 comes to mind there also ( see It isn't all about PB or whatever )
getting it out before Christmas, Not caring that People like us
( The Server Admins that help to make their product popular )
that see's that they totally left out the Web-Based Admin..
Which has been a real selling point for me personally, gee imagine
that, a game that actually makes it easy to Admin ! But... Not this time folks..
Whew... Ok.. breath in.. Slowly .. Breath out.. ( talking to myself now.. lol )
Well thats the end of my rant.. thanks for listening. heh