Well,morning together.
Im a long time RTCW 1.41 Shrub Player and part of this community.
I'm playin in some Fun Clan called THC,near 5 year old Clan.
Well,we have a strange problem.
One of our Players is caught by PBSS for Wallhack.
Yawn: http://yawn.boozze.be/findPlayer.yawn?game...pbGuid=167c682a
Well,he is long time player but still unexperienced with cfg and stuff,he never touched his cfg manually,
only a Limbo Menu user.
Some days ago he said to me and clanmates in Teamspeak that he have a strange bug when Allie-Sniper on Beach,
he could see parts of people behind walls.
We knew this bug cuz i remembered i had it too some time ago,and as i asked around many Players remembered this bug,seemed to be nothing special.
But we dont knew exactly how to fix this bug.
2 days ago than the player wanted to connect to Mad-Server as usual and saw he was banned.
A big discussion branded in the Shrub Community cause all know Pwnd* as a fair and friendly player never would cheat.
We talked a lot about this Allie-Sniper Bug in the Community and wondered what is the reason for this and why its still there after years of RTCW,and wondered why its defined as "Wallhack"
Well,some Players of the community done some tryouts than with Limbo Menu and Gfx-Settings and they came to the
end that it must have something to to with this:
seta r_depthbits "16"
seta r_colorbits "16"
seta r_texturebits "16"
pb_sv_cvar r_ColorBits IN 32
pb_sv_cvar r_DepthBits IN 32
pb_sv_cvar r_TextureBits IN 32
Experiment: http://www.tardivo.de/sniperbugge8.gif
So now he is banned for this Sniper-Bug and we are all asking ourself if thats ok ?!
Like i said the community know him as friendly and fair player and its not that he used this bug on purpose,he was unhappy with it and told/asked around what this strange Grafics is and how he can solve it,he recognized it only some days ago but before we knew prob 100% he was banned :(
He not used sniper much in old times,and in normal Gameplay with normal Weapons all is normal way (it is) with these settings,so he said he did not remember this bug before.
The community agreed in some forums that its not a cheat,only a old bug.
The guy will Appeal his ban later,problem is hes not very good in English ;)
So what do you think,he have some chances that the ban will be lifted?
Think it would be fair!!