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Everything posted by PizzaTheHut

  1. We use it too, its a beezer :D
  2. Its nice if you are in the US, for the rest of us its a pain. Imagine, a software company that cant organise a worldwide release! Are they trying to encourage the pirate's? The phrase 'couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery' comes to mind...
  3. Tbh I have no idea what this post is about, we stream to PBBans, PsB and Aon so I get about on the net and visit many sites, I havent heard any of this. I think you credit your detractors with too much importance by even acknowledging them, ignore them. We know the value of the service you provide and can judge for ourselves your integrity or otherwise, I give no credence to someone's ranting on a bb - just look at some of the nonsense you see on these boards. f*ck em We support you guys :D
  4. I have 1 server out of 9 which intermittently stops streaming (, its not the end of the world just a little inconvenient at times, I have mentioned it before on other threads. I usually check it once in the morning and once in the evening to check that its streaming as its one of our busiest servers. I have noticed recently an increase in the incidence of itr stopping streaming, maybe once a week, sometimes more. Today however I checked and the hub said it had not streamed for 1 Day and 3 hours!! I checked it yesterday at least 2 times, both times it said it was streaming, I'm a bit confused as to why it stops streaming so regularly when all the others rattle along quite happily (Of the other 8 there is only 1 which is as busy but it never stops streaming). Also now a bit concerned that when I view the hub the info might be incorrect and when it says we are streaming we arent. Can one of you fine admin/staff/boffins have a look at it for me and let me know what if anything I am doing wrong? Thanks.
  5. Its a fine job, I only noticed the nav bar under the site name a couple of days ago and wondered how I hadnt noticed it all this time, pleased to see it a new thing and not just another 'senior moment' Good Job!!
  6. Yes, agree with the above, good job you guys, thanks from all at MadAsBadgers :D
  7. The AWE mod is excellent, produced and supported by Tally over here: http://www.raidersmerciless.com/index.php
  8. I wouldn't touch it with yours let alone mine...
  9. Firstly a huge thanks for the service you provide, it makes a massive difference, so we at <-M.a.B-> (MadAsBadgers) salute you :D As for additional features I would just like to re-iterate a previous post which asked for a standardised SS viewer, I scan SS for probably an hour or two most nights (we take probably 5000 a day) and anything which speeds up or simplifies this process would be welcome. Apart from that we love the hub, we love the features, especially things like the ability to greet individuals etc Its especially good as its web based, that means I can keep an eye on things when I should be working ;) Any more web based tools are always welcome :D
  10. Also can you help with this? i checked our logs and thought I had the players GUID, a 6 digit number. It seems from reading the forums that iI should have an 8 digit number as his GUID. How do I verify a GUID number for a player? Remembering that they are not on the server and that they have been banned and that I am searching our server logs. I know that if he had been banned from our server then I could see the reason too but he was banned from another server so I cant see the logs from that server.
  11. Hello all, Hope you can indulge me, I need your help. Here are the facts: I am an admin for <-M.a.B-> Mad As Badgers clan, we have been around for some time and run MoHAA, CoDUO, CoD2 and BF servers, we have PB enabled and run pure servers. We have a junior member who has recieved a global ban, we are not sure why (It may be that he has been up to no good but we would like to establish the facts). I have his GUID info and would like to see what information you have around his ban so that I can relay it back to him (and his Dad :(). Can someone tell me where I should post and who I should contact to get the infromation and to get it sorted out (if it can be). Thanks in advance for any help.
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