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About fwsteel211

  • Birthday 07/14/1979

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Headache Powders and Caramel Frappes
  • Location
    Black Hole, Alabama

Clan / Team / League Information (Optional)

  • Name
    The Fighting Wolverines
  • Tag
  • Game Server IP Address and Port
  • Game Played
    Enemy Territory
  • Website
  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. I've had more problems with the server staying on along with the control panel working properly through ClanForge more than streaming. I've normally always had access to a dedicated box with all my other servers but sometimes I will go through a provider. Long story short.. I would get my server full of players - game for a few hours - go get smokes and come back to find that it's empty and no longer streaming. After numerous inquires about this the provider said that ALL (as in any GSP) MOH servers do this when the connection to the Blaze back-end is lost (this I feel is more of the problem with streaming indirectly). If the GSP changes the timeout period it CAN help but it didn't help my MOH server. The server would lose all it's traffic and stop streaming nearly 3 times a day. Then there is the whole issue of the port changing that happens which has already been addressed, to my knowledge that happens when the GSP's script to restart the server when connection to Blaze is lost - the game can then pick up but be on a different port. Furthermore, every command I sent through my providers 'live console' for pb had to be the BFBC2 "punkBuster.pb_sv_command" method and no other for it to work correctly. This includes the creation of the pbucon.use file. Additionally, even some of the regular admin commands had the incorrect syntax in their CP such as "admin.runNextRound" - initially their CP was sending "admin.runNextMap" until I brought it to their attention. I understand why PBBans suspended support but with so many new games and idiots working behind the scenes at the game server providers it's amazing things have come this far. I bought MOH just to try something new and Adventures in Babysitting apparently comes free with every copy of MOH.
  2. Happy Birthday |AcE| :P

  3. Tag: [FW] Name: The Fighting Wolverines Website: www.fwclan.org Game: ET Server: Want to stream PBbans? : Yes Other Information: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=28749
  4. Method: HUB Game: ET Clan Tag: [FW] Website: www.fwclan.org Previous Streaming Server: (no longer active) New Stream-Pending Server: Note: The previous streaming server was under another account (mine). However, I have decided to make a new account and re-register to pbbans.com due to an issue that MaydaX, Fozzer, Foxdie and InC0gniTo could not fix with my previous account. The [FW] server for the game ET is no longer Thank you and admins feel free to email both new and old email accounts for verification purposes for this new account and request. Thank you again for offering a fair and level playing field for online gaming. :D ~[FW] Steel211
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