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    Bounty HunterZ
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  1. I am a former SGA that had his clan disband for no reason other than running out of money to support a server and a website. Looking for a new home with a stream clan or gaming community.
  2. Is it happening on every server or just a few. The admins can enable PB to alow restricions or not, which would stop some keyboard programs from running, it is designed to catch people from using macros but is not bannable. I had it happen to me with my G-11 keyboard. If you look in task manager, you will find two Logitec related task running. Try disabling them prior to starting you game and see if this works. they are LogitecDesktopM... and I cant find the other , but it will have Logitec in the name. Let me know if this helps. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...+Program/Driver
  3. What input devices are you using ( Keyboard, mouse, joystick ), post a list it might be your problem
  4. MaydaX and Bob, great job getting the hub back online, my clan appriciates you time and effort.
  5. You have to be a Streaming Game Admin (SGA) to view clean players. Any regular joe can not view a clean player.
  6. We use Smart FTP, works pretty good. But the is a time or two that it failes to download all the SS, I just pick up where it left off and all is good.
  7. Glad you guys are back, we missed you.
  8. Could not find it in the forum. What is the ideal setting for sreen shots. I want to be able to see mini map and crosshairs. Thanks
  9. Gitter took care of it, just waiting for a site admin to verify it. Thanks for the help guys. Glad to be back streaming again.
  10. Can I have you guys add me back on the {BH} team account, we are back streaming, IP
  11. Thanks for the replys, I figured that would be the case. If it was my choice my clans server would be on here streaming. When were on before we caught 5 hackers in a less than a month and it felt good knowing every one else on the MBI was kept off our servers. Instead we do it the hard way and we do put up with the whining about unfair bans. Hope to be back streaming soon, thanks guys.
  12. I am not complaining about PBBans. The guy who paid the bills when he came off a leave of absense, did not like the idea of streaming to a third party. Back to my original qusetion, do you guys wand the additional GUIDs of a caught hacker. Or can you only use information that is streamed to you. Thanks
  13. We use to be a streaming server, but the server owner did not like the big brother type of thing. We have had a player that is on the Master Ban Index, Who I have manually banned fromour server. He has since come in 3 more times with different GUID's. Do you guys want this information or can you only use what is found with PB. I still love the idea of a watch dog for the gaming servers and maybe we will be back to streaming. Thanks
  14. What exactly is VIOLATION (MULTIHACK) #79039, can it be caused by another program like vista or a virus? I know it might be a noob question.
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