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Big Bang Theory

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About Big Bang Theory

  • Birthday 08/13/1960

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  • Interests
    RC airplanes, Guitar, Vintage auto restoration, computers
  • Location
    Durham NC

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  • Game Played
    Call of Duty
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  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. Hey! Does anyone have any info on if the Mater Server is down. It seems no one can get an updated internet list for CoD and any PB server that anyone joins kicks for unknown GUID. Started yesterday and is still going on. Seems to only be COD1
  2. I am seeing alot of people have discovered a rapid fire script that end result is that weapons like bolt action rifles fire very fast. I actually got a member to forward it to me. I am wondering if there is a countermeasure for this. I don't think I should post the script, but I can email it to you all if it would help BBT
  3. Hi I was not aware that holding the shift key when you hit tilde opened up the console. It seems this is what one has to do in COD2 and COD4. So I was doing everything correctly, I just was not able to see the console for lacking that tidbit. I am now streaming with the number one anti cheat group (PBBans) and the number two group (PsB) with my COD4 server. All is well, thank you for all you do! As far as setting the rconpassword, if it will help others, what I did was added the line " +rcon login xxxxxxx +connect xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" the the Target via shortcut's properties. In COD1.5 and COD UO one would enter /rconpassword xxxxxx in the console window by opening with the tilde key In COD2 and COD4 one would enter /rcon login xxxxxx in the console window by opening with shift and tilde
  4. RodeoBob am I correct that you set your rcon password in the game by: /rcon login xxxxxx {where xxxxx is the rconpassword} and if so, then any idea why /rcon status does not show the slot information? And should this be treated as a COD2 server as far as streaming goes?
  5. Yeah im working on it :) I am having the hardest time with it. I can't even administer it in the game :( I am so COD1.5 and UO oriented. I have read that manually to set the rconpassword in the server it is /rcon login xxxxxx but /rcon status does nothing in the game. I know the rconpassword is defined in the config.cfg file because rcon4cod utility works. I am just now getting a verbose config file and have just learned of the recomended pbsv.cfg file I feel like Im such a noob with COD4 (supposedly like cod2 which I never had any luck administering) Sure wish it was as easy as COD1.5 or UO But yes I do want to stream this server with you all! You all are tops! When I said I wanted to help, I did not realize you already had a streaming solution for COD4. So im too late to be able to help I suppose, but it is no surprise you all are all ready on top of things :D
  6. Hi I am running a 16 slot COD 4 server called Big Bang COD4 at IP Let me know if I can help in any way regarding streaming with it.
  7. hey ! who is the web master here? Looks like this site is using nuke-php and the module that scrollls the screen shots on the front page is very cool! Would love to know where ya got the module. Can I backchannel with you please? Big Bang Theory [email protected]
  8. Thank you sir. Some of my other servers that should be ready are: Big Bang's VoODoO (Call of Duty) Big Bang's MWv1.1 (Call of Duty) Big Bang's Revolt (Call of Duty) Big Bang's SWAT (Call of Duty) Big Bang's VoODoO (Call of DUty UO) and I hope this is an OK place to post the request. Thanks BBT
  9. Yes, I did find the response and I am sorry for posting that when I indeed did have the email in question. I suppose I need to do a good bit of reading to figure out how everything works here. What has not jumped out at me is how I declair other servers I run to get them streaming. I have uploaded the pbbans_hub.cfg and called it from within the pbsv.cfg file as directed and the pb_sv_uconlist did respond as described but I am strugling with step 4 to post my info. I guess I am being stupid but I am not sure where I am supposed to post the requested info of this step. I dont want to do something wrong and start off on the wrong foot with you good people! And I would like to have my other servers working too. I am also a little unclear as to the difference in "relationships" between PBBans and PsB. I am doing everything that PsB has recomened (ie. using the auto Master Ban List updater, full MD5toolset ,and streaming with them, and I submit PBss of cheaters caught. But I am unclear as to how things change now that I have one of my servers (i think) streaming with you all. Is there something I can read that will further inlighten me. Sorry for being new to all of this. I just want to do all I can to have my servers clean and cheatfree and be a part of the fair gaming community! Thanks for listening and your help! BBT
  10. Hello staff of PBBans, I applied about a week ago and never heard anything. Does the application for streaming take a long time? I have an admin account at PsB and stream with them. I am assuming I could stream to your service as well? Any ideas on why it is taking a long time for a response (assuming a week is a long time)??? Thanks BBT
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