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About ahh72_DEU

  • Birthday 01/30/1972

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    Charlie At Six
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  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. congratulations :lol:
  2. thanks i don't having idea :blink:
  3. congratulations guys
  4. I do not know if this would be implemented but we have a good way of protection against players who use the configuration of new graphics cards to take advantage in the game. greetings and good work which are doing :P
  5. Ok thank you, then my configuration is very good and I have no problems at all. :D Because we believe that streaming by ip repository with psb generate problems or have nothing to do? Because I see that we have streaming with them and pbbans at the same time and walk very well. :lol:
  6. Ok thank you, but they can change the email account by [email protected]? This email belongs to the user id 108984 indicated in my previous post. Thanks :P EDIT: Also I have another problem with the forwarding of logs to ICA and not doing this and I have no idea because it does not, if it were not annoying thing that could revise this happening?
  7. Hello, please appreciate that the following information may change my mind according detailed as follows: 1 .- Add the user id 108984 as Streaming Game Admin. 2 .- After add as Account Manager and assign all rights to my mind and that is the Head Admin. 3 .- In addition to Head Admin user id 109941 and 108966 remain well as Administrators. Thanks! :lol: EDIT: The email account must be the same as user id 108984
  8. Tenemos actualmente un servidor AA que hace streaming con PBBans y ACI a la vez pero ayer estuve charlando con un Admin del Staff de ACI y me dice que no tenemos el Dual Streaming con ellos y que no hay logs alguno por parte de nuestro server con ellos, lo que no se si es de solo el dia de ayer o no lo ha hecho nunca desde que optamos por tener el Dual Streaming. Agradeceria que alguien pudiera darnos una mano con ello y ver si esta funcionando bien o en todo caso el Admin del Staff de ACI me dijo que podrian enviarle los logs pasados ya sea con el que charle llamado Bandit o Reaper que es el fundador de ACI. Espero me puedan dar una solucion a ello o que problema puede ser que tengamos y el motivo porque no esta haciendo ese Dual Streaming. Les adjunto el ip del server para que lo revisen: Gracias!
  9. sorry por la demora andaba algo liado con el trabajo y viendo otras cosas que me olvide de esto. gracias por la rese
  10. holas como estan y excelente trabajo por esta web :D bueno mi pregunta es como puedo saber cual es mi id de usuario si ya borre el email donde me lo indicaba? quiza sea una pregunta tonta pero recien me acabo de registrar a la web. saludos y gracias :P
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