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Everything posted by Tobiathen

  1. Thanks......it works now!
  2. This may be a dumb question, but I can not find an answer. After a week or so of trying I finally have my 2142 game server recording the demos and placing them on my web site. For some stupid reason I am not able to view any of the demos recorded from my server or any other server (from the list in the 2142 community tab). I didn't know if there was another way to view these demos......like a battle recorder viewer or anything along those lines? If you could help it would be great. Thanks, TobiathenB =]BS[=
  3. I am manually taking screens shots from my 2142CC console using the pb_sv_getss command. It is sent to a folder on the server that hosts the game and I access it through ftp. The file shows the player name, the guid number, when it was taken...etc, but when I open the file I get the error message above. I set up the game useing the commands I found on this site....I do not recall exactally what they were. I hope this is the info you were looking for. Thanks, Tobiathen
  4. I am having a problem with the screen shots I am taking. Everyone I take a screen shot of has this message: <p> Screenshot transfer was incomplete. The only person I can get a SS of is myself. Of course, my screen shot is all black becasue I am actually out of the game at the time. What can I do to fix this? Please help if you can. Thanks, Toviathen
  5. I was wondering if I had to make a request here in the forums eventhough I filled in all the info? Just in case I do here is the info again: Battlefield Soldiers =]BS[= www.battlefield-soldiers.com Server: 2142 Thanks for the help, Toby
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