I founded a bug.
Account Stats
Servers: 2 Bans: 42 New PBSS: 0As you can see NEW PBSS is on 0
But if i go to submit a SS
Pending PBSS 1 screenshot(s) under review.
And BTW ive got another screenshot if him. This one is defenitly wallhack how do i add it :P?
I reviewed the protectname topic of pbbans.
But didnt get one thing.
If protected the name and got kicked out. (it works :P, thats good)
How do i login so i can use the name?
I've got several times banned by a fake global hardware ban message.
Like this.
You have been permanently banned from this server by PunkBuster Global hardware ban [ADMIN DECISION]
Some admins doesnt know that ADMIN DECISION comes if you ban a player with your own reason.
Anyway... Punk Bjuster? :P
I got a friend banned from PBBans. But his brother wants to play CoD also.
If he buys his on CoD he is banned also? Or only on GUID or IP? Or...?
Ja. Niet echt veel actieve topiques hier in het NL forum :( ...
Naja laten we het gezellig houden met een leuk spelletje :').
Het Vraag en Antwoord spelletje.
Ik zeg:
Wat heb jij gegeten vandaag?
Jij zegt:
----Jij bedenkt een eigen vraag en die reageert de volgende poster weer op en zo door----
Wat ga jij morgen doen :P?
Thats right little kids i've reached my little 40 bans on PBBANS.
10 of them are smuggling drugs 30 of them are like things that can see everywhere.
Well little kids! Here is your cola:
Sorry its a little bit warm :(.
Uncle Razor.
I've got the Evenbalance Log Streaming program now and i conffiged but how do i add a server?
server addr=**** user=*** pw=*** desc=***
(Removed information by ***)
I filled that in the config but doesnt work...
Somebody help me :P?
I'd like to create such thing as PBBans so if they connect when they are on MY banlist then they will kicked out.
(no im not creating the same but only for my customers server not for the everybody ;))
I appealed the ban but i didnt get any reaction.
A customer of my was banned of the cvar: radar = 1.
he wasnt using of this cheat because if YOU enter /set radar 1 in CoD you will be kicked even you dont have radar hacks on.
He hasnt hacks on his computer but i will tell the story (again)...
He was playing on his pub and some kids hate them and told him to hit /set radar 1 in console...
Whoila he did it (cuz he doesnt know what it was i that it was a unknown cmd).
He couldnt join his server anymore so i removed his streaming.