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  1. It isn't that the server will kick you actually, it just simply cannot go any higher. Obviously, you never played UT or Quake where you might actually want it to be 125 at times regardless if it made the screen look "round" and warped.
  2. Can you just backup the players folder and put it back when you have completed reinstalling the game?
  3. Is there any special way I need to import this?
  4. How would one backup their profile before redoing Windows?
  5. ThePlanet no longer offers Cortex with their dedicated servers.
  6. Thank you much!
  7. My msg's aren't working. Here's my config. What could be the problem? ; ------------------------------ ; Notes ; ------------------------------ ; Revision 1.1 ; PBBans.com Universal pbsv.cfg ; Can be used for all PB enabled servers ; ------------------------------ ; General Settings ; ------------------------------ pb_sv_MsgPrefix "^5PunkBuster Server" pb_sv_MaxDlRate 4 //[KB/sec requested per file (default=4)] pb_sv_MaxConDls 6 //[Concurrent downloads (default=1)] pb_sv_MaxSendRate 8 // [speed at which PB Server sends pbcl and pbag updates in KBps (default=8)] pb_sv_CQC 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=1)] pb_sv_Sleep 60 //[# of Milliseconds (default=60)] pb_sv_PowerMin 10 //[Power Points] pb_sv_PowerDef 1 //[Power Points] pb_sv_PowerKickLen 5 //[Minutes (default=5)] pb_sv_DupNameGrace 0 //[seconds] pb_sv_ExtChar 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_GuidRelax 0 //[1=UNKN, 2=WRONGIP, 4=DUP (add desired values)] pb_sv_RconReload 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_LogSync 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] ; ------------------------------ ; Other Settings ; ------------------------------ pb_sv_Restrictions 1 //[Kick for Restrictions 0=No, 1=Yes (default=1)] pb_sv_FileWhitelist "" //[Folder Filename Filename ... Filename] pb_sv_EmptyName 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_LogFloor 1 //[Low log filename serial #] pb_sv_MinName 0 //[Min Characters in Player name (default=0)] pb_sv_MaxName 0 //[Max Characters in Player name (default=0)] pb_sv_LanMask "" //[iP Address Mask for LAN Players (default=)] pb_sv_Lan 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_ChangePeriod 300 // For pb_sv_ChangeMax pb_sv_ChangeMax 5 // [Max name changes allowed in pb_sv_ChangePeriod] ex 5 changes in 300 seconds ; ------------------------------ ; Kick Settings ; ------------------------------ pb_sv_KickLen 5 //[Minutes (default=2)] pb_sv_ScoreKick 0 //[Min score (negative) ] pb_sv_UpdateGrace 2400 //[seconds to wait before Update Failure kick] pb_sv_NoGuidGrace 10 //[seconds to wait before No GUID kick] ; ------------------------------ ; PBSS Settings ; ------------------------------ pb_sv_AutoSs 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_SsFloor 1 //[Low screenshot filename serial #] pb_sv_SsCeiling 10000 //[High screenshot filename serial #] pb_sv_AutoSsFrom 300 //[Min # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss] pb_sv_AutoSsTo 1200 //[Max # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss] pb_sv_SsCmd "" //[Filename of system command to run after screenshots] pb_sv_SsWidth 400 //[Requested pixel width of remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsHeight 204 //[Requested pixel height of remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsXpct 50 //[Percentage across screen for remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsYpct 50 //[Percentage down screen for remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsSrate 1 //[sample Rate for remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsDelay 0 //[Maximum delay client waits before capturing screenshot] pb_sv_SsPath "" //[Path where remote screenshots are saved] pb_sv_ssLogging 3 //[1=Reg. Log, 2=SS Log, 3=Both, 0=Neither] pb_sv_ssTimeout 300 //[seconds] ; ------------------------------ ; Web Tool Settings ; ------------------------------ pb_sv_HttpPort xxxxx //[Port #] pb_sv_HttpAddr "205.234.xxx.xxx" //[External IP Address] pb_sv_HttpKey "xxxxxx" //[Password] pb_sv_HttpRefresh 60 //[seconds] pb_sv_HttpMaps "" //[Map list (separate by spaces)] pb_sv_HttpMapsPath "" //[Path where maps are loaded from in WebTool] pb_sv_HttpColText1 "FFFFFF" //[Text Color #1 in WebTool (default=FFFFFF)] pb_sv_HttpColText2 "0000FF" //[Text Color #2 in WebTool (default=0000FF)] pb_sv_HttpColBack1 "000000" // pb_sv_HttpColBack2 "808080" // pb_sv_HttpColLine1 "FF0000" //[Line Color #1 in WebTool (default=FF0000)] pb_sv_HttpColLine2 "0000FF" //[Line Color #2 in WebTool (default=0000FF)] pb_sv_HttpColMsg "FF0000" //[Message Color in WebTool (default=FF0000)] pb_sv_HttpShowGuid 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] ; ------------------------------ ; CVAR Settings (Only for supported games) ; ------------------------------ pb_sv_CvarFreq 3 //[# of range checks per minute] pb_sv_CvarLogging 1 //[1=Reg. Log, 2=Var Log, 3=Both, 0=Neither] pb_sv_CvarWalk 2 //[0=disabled, 1-4=Walk through obtained Cvar lists] pb_sv_CvarUserPulse 99 //[Frequency to auto-send CvarUser (minutes)] pb_sv_CvarChangedPulse 60 //[Frequency to auto-send CvarChanged (minutes)] ; ------------------------------ ; Alias Settings (Only for supported games) ; ------------------------------ pb_sv_AliasFn "pbalias.dat" //[Filename (default="pbalias.dat")] pb_sv_AliasAutoLoad 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_AliasMax 10 //[Max # of Aliases to track for each PB GUID] pb_sv_AliasMaxEnforce 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] ; ------------------------------ ; PB Tasks (pb_sv_task [start delay (seconds)] [repeat (seconds)] [command]) ; ------------------------------ pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver // Keep-Alive for PBBans Hub pb_sv_task 0 86400 pb_sv_update // Check for PB updates daily ; ------------------------------ ; Badname List (pb_sv_badname [grace_period_secs] [disallowed text]) ; ------------------------------ pb_sv_badnameempty ;pb_sv_badname 10 server // Sample ; ------------------------------ ; IP Guard ; ------------------------------ ;pb_sv_ipguard // Sample ; ------------------------------ ; Cvar List ; ------------------------------ pb_sv_cvarempty ; ------------------------------ ; Protected Tags ; ------------------------------ pb_sv_protecttag 1 PBSTAFF pb_sv_protecttag 1 PBBans ; ------------------------------ ; Load Ban List ; ------------------------------ pb_sv_banempty pb_sv_banload ; ------------------------------ ; Load IP Bans ; ------------------------------ ;pb_sv_banmask "" // Sample ; ------------------------------ ; PB UCON Settings / Lists ; ------------------------------ pb_sv_uconignoreempty pb_sv_usessionlimit 9 pb_sv_ucontimeout 90 pb_sv_uconempty pb_sv_uconadd 1 "pbbanshub" "pbbanshub" ; ------------------------------ ; Exec Configs ; ------------------------------ pb_sv_load pbsvuser.cfg pb_sv_load pbsvlog.cfg pb_sv_taskempty pb_sv_task 120 360 "sv_say ^2The helicopter has been nurfed for better gameplay. pb_sv_task 240 360 "sv_say ^2Martyrdom, Last Stand, & Grenade Launchers are unwelcome here! pb_sv_task 360 360 "sv_say ^2|SNAFU| is recruiting! Visit us @ www.SNAFUCLAN.com or join us in Ventrilo! pb_sv_task 480 360 "sv_say Join us on Ventrilo! ^2vent.snafuclan.com:3816 (no pass)
  8. GG Crytek. :(
  9. Thanks for the help! Both are up and streaming!
  10. Seems you don't even need it installed to run a server. I got it now. Now I just need some more explanation on how to make multiple servers.
  11. I hit a new snag. I uploaded the game and selected the .exe. It doesn't get past the first screen because the box is only 8-bit color. It needs 16-bit to proceed. What's next?
  12. Before I spend two days uploading 4gb, I want to ask if I just zip up the contents of my DVD will it install fine on the server by hitting the exe just fine?
  13. Wait, do you need the game installed on your server? I just uploaded the game from my computer. :S
  14. It wants to start the real game. The console isn't starting like in other games. What should I do?
  15. How do I make a server? How do I create multiple servers on the same box? Is there a standard config?
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