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Everything posted by GrossKopf

  1. I tried searching and there were too many results... Are there any PBBans banners and buttons available that are just general banners and buttons? I'd like to put one on my website.
  2. Professional Hosting Services, LLC provides hosting services for server admins that can't host their own copy of the BC2 admin tools. We currently support PRoCon, Wolfcon, Big Brother Bot and BC2 PHP Commander. PHS is a registered business in the state of NJ, so you know you are dealing with a legit company that will be around as long as there's a demand for our services. Our set up is quick and easy. For some more information on why you should use PHS, please visit our website's "Why use PHS" page: http://host4admins.com/home/index.php?site=about. With PHS, you use TCAdmin to start and stop your admin tool, as well as install new plugins (for those that support plugins) and updates, plus you can use the integrated file manager to edit, delete and upload files as needed. PHS utilizes two dedicated servers located in Chicago, with the following stats: Intel Xeon X3450 4x 2.66ghz processors (8 Threads) 500 GB SATAII 7200rpm Drive 8GB DDR3 RAM 100 Mbit Burstable Uplink PHS Social Networking: PHS X-Fire group: http://www.xfire.com/communities/proconhosting/ PHS Steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/proconhosting PHS Twitter page: http://twitter.com/proconhosting. PHS Facebook page: http://tinyurl.com/3xolbqb We also have the following instant messengers: Windows Live Messenger (MSN): [email protected] AOL Instant Messenger: [email protected] Yahoo! Instant Messenger: prohostingsvcs X-Fire: grosskopf In case you are interested, we also host Big Brother Bot with support for ALL the games B3 supports! I now provide BC2 PHP Commander FREE OF CHARGE to all BC2 PHS customers! Sign up today and get not only a great admin tool, but a web based admin tool for those times that you just can't load up your admin tool! When you sign up, just select BC2 PHP Commander under the "Addons" section!
  3. My clan made donation April 7th and we're about to make a donation again. Can you add FLOTServer.net to your sponsor list?
  4. Doesn't mean that they have anything to do with Kaos...
  5. Hey RodeoBob, my clan has already met it's donation requirement for this month, so at the end of the month, when we know exactly how much of a surplus we have, FLOT is going to be donating some money to you guys!
  6. Not even that.. I'd just like to have it so it just picks a few players each scan. I believe that's how the screenshots work too...
  7. I get a LOT of players in my server and instead of scanning each and every one of them, I'd rather just have a few randomly selected for scans so my log isn't over loaded with these checks, but I guess that's not possible.
  8. Ah, ok, now that makes sense... where is this information logged? (I'm such a noob and my PB guy wasn't too sure about this command) Also, is there a way to randomize this so it's not logging everyone, but just randomly selecting people, in the same way that screenshots can be done?
  9. Ok, so if I put what I posted above: pb_sv_bindsrch "mwheeldown "+attack"" pb_sv_bindsrch "mwheelup "+attack"" pb_sv_CvarFreq 2 //[# of range checks per minute] pb_sv_CvarLogging 2 //[1=Reg. Log, 2=Var Log, 3=Both, 0=Neither] pb_sv_CvarWalk 1 //[0=disabled, 1-4=Walk through obtained Cvar lists] pb_sv_CvarUserPulse 99 //[How often (in min.) to auto-send CvarUser command] pb_sv_CvarChangedPulse 99 //[How often (in min.) to auto-send CvarChanged command] Will that work? Will any identified binds show up in a log? Which log?
  10. Ok, so I'm a little confused. pb_sv_bindsrch "mwheeldown "+attack"" Won't work? It needs to be: pb_sv_bindsrch "mwheeldown "attack"" ? For example: pb_sv_task 60 900 "pb_sv_bindsrch "mwheeldown "attack""" pb_sv_task 90 900 "pb_sv_bindsrch "mwheelup "attack"" I'm not trying to eliminate the ability to use the "attack" command, only to eliminate the ability for players to use the mwheelup and mwheeldown keys with "attack".
  11. I got a reply elsewhere about this: I'm still trying to find out if there's a way to kick when it finds these binds. I don't understand why PB would have the ability to detect binds and then not have the ability to take action if these binds are found.
  12. I would like to use pb_sv_bindsrch to detect the following keybinds in a player's config: mwheeldown "+attack" mwheelup "+attack" Does anyone know the right syntax for this and is there any way to set up PB to run this when someone connects or periodically? If PB can check this on it's own, is there a way to issue a kick to anyone found to have those binds?
  13. Ok, I almost got it working in IE. I went into Internet Options, Security, Custom Level. I scrolled down to "Open files based on content, not file extension" and disabled it. I FTP into my game server via IE, navigate to the screenshot folders and click on the msgpbssv.html file and it starts, but it stops on Building Viewer Objects.
  14. One more thing. I'm running this by going into my server's control panel, navigating to the ss folder, then clicking on the html file. If I try the ftp://name:pw, etc.. it shows the html code rather than the actual output of the page, as if I'm viewing it in a text editor.
  15. I'm trying this in IE and it seems to stick on "building viewer objects...". I can't use FireFox because I'm at work and I prefer to use IE at home. Has anyone else gotten it to work in IE?
  16. I just removed them manually.
  17. Hub Game: FEAR Clantag: [FLOT]
  18. Hub Game: BF2 Clantag: [FLOT]
  19. Hub Game: BF2142 Clantag: [FLOT]
  20. Clan Name: Forward Line of Own Troops Clan Tag: [FLOT] Server IP: Game: Battlefield 2142 Web Site: http://flotserver.net Additional server: Server IP: Game: Battlefield 2
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