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Everything posted by cableguy619

  1. yeah i was told by NFO they are working on it. I have seen the header mismatch and PB disabled messages through out the day.
  2. Great to see you back. Pbbans makes life so much easier trying run a clean server. Long live PBBANS and thanks Piggy for the updates :P
  3. Where you getting the patch from? Sound slike it is currupt and never install successfully.
  4. Right now playing BF2142 please add clan tag Tag or Name: =TRR= Unique Identifier: 1 pb_sv_protecttag 1 =TRR=
  5. How long did the process take to get your tages regsitered? I am on day 3 and waiting. Cable
  6. Agreed thanks for the work on getting the HUB back up
  7. .....
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