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kingdii last won the day on February 26 2018

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About kingdii

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    Texas, USA

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    Battlefield 3
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  1. I think an FYI is needed. PB does NOT stand for pbbans... PB stands for Punkbuster. They are 2 different entities and this is pbbans, NOT Punkbuster.
  2. EA's continuing to be their own worst enemy.
  3. Seasons Greetings and Happy Holidays to all the PBBans staff and SA's. Still alive and kickin' the arse of cheaters everywhere.
  4. Remember, reduced costs does NOT mean donations can drop off. The kitty's been hit pretty hard for a while now.
  5. Happy Fathers Day!
  6. OP, as a reminder, your cheating was really bad too.
  7. Practicing 'I only hear what I want to hear' or 'In one ear and out the other', maybe?
  8. Did a Google search and found this similar to your possible situation. Majority posts said 'No'. Might work on a disclaimer. https://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1290710
  9. Here's wishing everyone the best of the holidays and the merriest new year!
  10. The ban has nothing to do with the name or IP. It's all about the GUID being used to commit a violation. Might begin with a reformat. Then protect everything on your computer. Then start a new email address and Origin account. Then buy a legit, brand new game.
  11. BF4 servers we all play on are paid for by someone - an organized clan or community, friends, or individual folk(s). Paying for and providing a server means they can utilize many set ups, protections (EB, DICE, PB, PBBans, GGC, ACI) and rules to ensure fair and honest game play for everyone if that's what the payee wants. That's THEIR choice! Most of them DON'T want cheaters! That's THEIR choice! EB may issue a global ban or a 2 minute kick. The payee decides (via streaming to third-party anti-cheat sites PBBans / GGC / ACI) if they want that 2 minute kick to result in a ban. If EB determines a false positive, the third-party anti-cheat sites will remove the ban from their MBI. Only time will tell. As it is now, "We do not find this violation to be triggered in error, and it will not be removed."
  12. So you folks want GameGuard, EB, DICE, PBBans, GGC, ACI to prove you are innocent / do your work for you? Why? It is the responsibility of the banned to submit detailed information (not "I do not hack" or "I am not a cheater", etc.) in a trouble ticket to EB and the third-party anti-cheat service(s) as indicated in other posts and threads to prove you are NOT guilty. Folks carrying the ban will continue to carry it until EB deems it a false positive. If the ban is deemed a false positive, PBBans will remove the ban from the MBI. Again, #38 is your best friend.
  13. It's sad that a community like PBBans was and is still needed, however, I am very proud to be a part of it. Rest in peace, IndianScout.
  14. Yes, shows a hack. Get streaming!!!!! lol
  15. +1, sad to say.
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