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Everything posted by kingdii

  1. Hunter Games on Blue-Ray and DVD, maybe.
  2. No wonder they're hurting! They have sales too. lol
  3. The guilty always holler the loudest
  4. Today, Gameservers posted on our BF3 accounts: DICE has confirmed an issue was affecting Battlelog. This has now been resolved and service is functioning normally at this time.
  5. I bought my Asus version of the 560 Ti (2 in SLI) from newegg and lots of fans. Crank up the game's video settings and go for it (BC2 and BF3 for me).
  6. Looks great!
  7. Where's the theory gone that parents should teach their youngsters right and wrong? Why should it be everyone else's responsibility?
  8. PBBans staff is all volunteer, no paid positions so RL does matter. Also, the volume of apps (individual and organizational) has greatly increased with the release of new games. They will get to you asap.
  9. He reminds me of a politician - speaking out of both sides of his mouth (or ...).
  10. @MaydaX, Thanks for the info. kingdii
  11. @IndianScout, Would you mind sharing your modded .ini file? Would really appreciate it! Thanks! kingdii
  12. Tried to place my opinion/vote and it timed out. :scratchchin:
  13. NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks, MaydaX
  14. Glad to see ya'll back up and running!
  15. kingdii


    s1ky, Please check your original post, I believe you asked for advise. Attitude goes a long way when asking for advise or assistance. IMO, you forgot that tidbit.
  16. We're a ranked BC2 server and won't change that, however, some of our members are getting pretty fed up with all the gustav usage. I know BC2 Guardian has an option named Weapon Limiter and I'm sure other available clients may have something similar. I was wondering how that works within the EA ROE for Bad Company 2 and ranked servers. Also, what about limiting the number of kits per side or per squad? Thanks! kingdii
  17. If folks are using DX9 and have turned AA off, you should get an actual ss of them. Most folks have updated either their hardware, software or both so that configuration isn't gonna be found much any more until something's done to fix the black ss problem. kingdii
  18. GREAT JOB to everyone involved. Hate to think where those 1000 already busted would be if they hadn't been caught. Thanks!
  19. Wonderful news! Thanks to MaydaX and DICE for making it happen
  20. Happy Holidays to all and Happy New Year, too!
  21. Big_Guy21, THANKS! That worked! kingdii
  22. We are account 631. IP and On Friday, Gameservers migrated us to new upgraded hardware without notifying us first or updated our data. I did post a thread notifying ya'll of the situation as soon I as knew what had happened and the post was responded to by PBBans staff. Everything set up on our servers was lost, however, all but a few minor things have been resolved there as of this moment. We were streaming to PBBans, GGC and (ugh) PsB before this all happened. Our account at PBBans is Deactived at this moment. I already did this from inside BF2CC (included the necessary GGC info in it too) and according to GGC's website Home Page, we are back to streaming there: pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use pb_sv_restart Wait for PB to restart (Approx 10-30 seconds) pb_sv_USessionLimit 8 pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbhub1 pbbanshub pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver pb_sv_task 0 86400 pb_sv_update pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1 pb_sv_writecfg What else do I need to do to get our account re-activated and streaming again? Thanks! SGA kingdii =NSDQ= Night Stalkers Don't Quit
  23. kingdii

    New Forums

    Can't wait to see what you have for us now, MaydaX. Thanks! kingdii
  24. The saying goes, "Don't know what you got til it's gone". Man, that is soooooooooo true. My heart sank when first reading that PBBans was going to be no more. Thanks for sleeping on it and deciding to let us continue fighting right beside you in the battle against the cheaters. Really appreciate it. kingdii =NSDQ=
  25. I already have a support ticket in with gameservers.com to check all the pb files. May have them wipe and re-install. For some reason, pb_sv_ver was not in the pbsv.cfg. It's now added. I've had some sleep so I'll re-read the trouble-shooting section of the Guide. Thanks for the help. kingdii
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