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Everything posted by souljar

  1. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=54178 Not my GUID, IP or any of my alias ? I been playing BF2 now since day one and i have gained my rank and stats the hard way. I run a bf2 clan and server and this is gonna cause alot of problems for me. My IP address: Ban ip address : My GUID aa6969810eb4f7346903bacf5c8be580 Ban GUID f17788d3efd8e0e34e026cb7a03a55c1 And as for the alias list lol, i never heard of them guys on that link ? Alias : Keltic62 http://bf2s.com/player/42134625/ 3888 total hours played. Alias : Olvie http://bf2s.com/player/78250974/ 1536 total hours played. Me : souljar http://bf2s.com/player/43696698/ 2885 total hours played. Total of 8309 hours played lol, is that possible to do while working full time for last 12 years ? My clans website has never even seen that IP from the ban on the link. we checked the logs. Funny we all legit 3star generals too. Looks like some idiot has ben busy causing grief for players they hold a grudge against !! I checked my server tracker history from the 5th to the 29th of january and i havent even played on the server i was meant to be caught cheating on, on the 17th of january. I doubt i ever have played it either. I know you can get some sort of hack that changes your name because my old clan said they had some retard on their server with my name and unknown tags on, so they checked his guid against mine at the time and knew it wasnt me What can i do about this ?
  2. 5 days later and still no reply from even balance to my Trouble Ticket ? Is this normal procedure ?
  3. How do i appeal a ban thats not my GUID, IP or alias ? Somebody sent me a link to what is meant to be my account, using my name and has been caught using a aimbot but aint me ? This is a farce, what the hell do i do now ? p.s i tryed making a new thread but it wouldnt let me for some reason. sorry.
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