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Everything posted by RogueGoose

  1. thankyou, sorted, done, and streaming. cheers
  2. we have obtained a new server, but when i have gone to set it up for streaming, it states it is already streaming so i cannot add it to our account. acc ID is 1056 server details are any chance this can be swapped over please ? original server owners were Born2Frag (9451)
  3. sorry, :wacko: my fault I found I had forgot to upload the pbucon.use file, but before that I deleted and re added the server :banghead: anyway, server needs re authenticating again and we should be away... Thanks
  4. I have added this to the account manager (early sunday morning), but server still not streaming. Server showing as inactive
  5. HUB Game: BattleField 2 Clan Tag : WONKA this is third server not sure if you are still adding servers to the system, but just sending this for when you're ready to...
  6. HUB Game: BattleField 2 Clan Tag : WONKA this is second server
  7. Topic Title: Hub Game: Battlefield 2 Clantag; WONKA
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