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Linkman last won the day on June 5 2013

Linkman had the most liked content!


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  • Name
    Hardcore Older Gamers
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  • Game Server IP Address and Port
  • Game Played
    Battlefield 2
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  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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Collaborator (7/14)

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  1. Thanks mate....good looking out..
  2. please help. all 5 of my servers stopped streaming about 13 hours ago...and I do not know why... I have restarted the servers and tryed to re-do the auto set up...but all the info is in the pbconfig. any thoughts... 4 servers are BF3 with Gameservers 1 server is BF2 (pr) with Branzone thanks for the help.
  3. We are glad to have you back on line...I know all the players on our servers are as well... and thanks to all that help make this happen.... Thanks to all at PBBans for not giving in to the hackers..... when i first found out about the issue my self and a lot more were just floored over the issue and the thought of no more PBBans...and we got together with a few other clans they know who they are, and we all shared are ban lists and passed it on to other clans that were friend with us and stuck together in this and I thnak everyone for that as well. look forward to many more days of helping out and putting a stop to hackers and cheats... Thanks guys for being there for us all the =HOG= Clan
  4. Wolfman.. It takes more then 2 or 3 players to get a server up and going and keeps it running. what I would suggest to you, is to start your own clan. then post on all the COD4 web sites that you can that you are looking for some older mature players for your clan. it will take a bit of time to get the ball rolling, you have a lot going for you to start off by streaming your servers with PBBan's shows me that you do care about the gaming you offer to others and want to make it a good environment for all. my clan
  5. I love every thing you guys have done for us, I would like to see a way to submit a demo for BF2 to help protect us from the aimboters out there and some of the other hacks undetected by punkbusters..
  6. pb_sv_protecttag 1 =HOG=
  7. I remeber reading this some where and asked you a few question about it. I'm glad to see I was off base when i PM you about this... I hope you guys can kick the Kaos team in the rear to get some of the needed fixes for the game in place as well.
  8. I just went to play on a 32 man server the IP: well I was playing as a sniper and when I put down clay mores and killed a few players I was told I could not use claymores or i would be kicked and I asked them why could i not use the items given to me in the kit I played and they kicked me from the server. I do not want to repete the resaon given it is to volger to repete. my question is where do i go to reprot this breaking of rules of ROE.... please help if you know the answer...
  9. HUB Game BF2 Clantag; =HOG=
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