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Everything posted by mike12244

  1. Im just wondering if PB would really give somone the messgae "Player has an Ileagle PB GUID" when they tried to ban him.
  2. So ace, your saying there is not such thing as an ileagle PB GUID and if there is it would have kicked him?
  3. I know how to ban him, he is banned now my leader says he did !ban 2 again and it banned him. I think there is no such thing as PB detecting an ileagle GUID. Because if it did, then would it not kick the player? I think my leader may be lieing by i need proof.
  4. Thanks, I knew he was lying just because he was getting killed. He wont beleive me though unless a post from a PBbans admin states there is not such thing, I googled the problem and found nothing.
  5. I have recently been told that a clan leader has recivied "funny looking" pb screen shots of a player. I dont know what he means by this. However he took it the players was hacking and tried to ban him. Now he did !ban 2 -the slot number- and he claims it says "Player has an ileagle PB GUID" and banned another member is this possible? If so what does it mean? And also a "funny" screen shot does not mean one is hacking right? Thanks for answering
  6. RTCW:ET I found out we have the same internet service provider (bell sympatico) could this do anything?
  7. OK,: 41b01c20 those are the last eight numbers. Will the GUID only show my names that have been used and not the beerme ones?
  8. Is there any way you could help me verify to the clan leader that the names he sees are not me? Most of the ones there are mine but something like 19 of the IP's are not mine and neither are the beer me names, I'd really appriciate it if you could help me thanks. EDIT: Or does anyone ahve any ideas on how to prove to the leader that its not me?
  9. Recently and old friend of mine told me I have used 21 IP's and have a name called BeerMe in the master player index. Now for these reasons hes stopping me from joining his clan because he thinks im trying to double clan or something. I have found this guys clan and am only a few hours away from talking to him to try and prove to my leader that i am not double clanning. But the main point is, if hes spoofing my IP's and gets caught for hacking or something it'll keep me off servers and I dont want that, so I was wondering how I can work with you guys to get him banned or atleast off my IP's thanks for reading
  10. **Perfection NQ free admin*** Hub RCTW: Enemy Territory Please add, Thanks
  11. Thanks again admin! :)
  12. already added it through there, just waiting for it to be added, thanks again
  13. **WM clan server, still my clan just a branch type of thing*** Hub RCTW: Enemy Territory Please add, Thanks
  14. thanks i appriciate you helping me a new guy!
  15. /rcon pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use /rcon pb_sv_restart /rcon pb_sv_USessionLimit 3 /rcon pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbanshub pbbanshub /rcon pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1 /rcon pb_sv_writecfg I did this, and my server is streaming, but by doing this will it keep all the caught hackers off my server or do i need to do more? EDIT: For got to add in this is for ET 2.55, oh and also I may aswell add my second question in here (and yes i did look around for the answer to the second question) how do i make my PB take auto screen shots?
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