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Everything posted by RockLobster

  1. Hi RB, |>UKUF<| Clan here we are always amazed by your efforts at keeping the low life cheaters away from game servers - great work :) I donated personally when we started streaming a CoD4 server but have just given the clan accountant a nudge to read this and got a donation out of him :) lol We are soon to re-name the clan as we need a new start for this new game and positive outlook - so I'll keep you posted about what name to list the donation as :) Thanks for all your hard work..
  2. Hello All, I have created/edited the server configs as advised on this website, I can send and get replies via rcon and I have entered our/my servers IP into my profile - it seems to still not be listed?.. (maybe as it is empty 80% of the time - evenings only) just wondering if it is actually streaming or not?... Please could someone advise. Thanks :)
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