Hello all,
Newly registered here. I need some help. I'm an old fart, and over the past year me and a bunch of other old farts have started soemthing. We began a clan playing BF2 and we jokingly called it the Dam Clan, Dam staniding for DaDs and Moms over 40. Well it has grown to a hundred members, with a lot of the wives and daughters in there, two ranked servers as well as an AIX server. The servers stay packed in the evenings and along with this came the hackers.
So a while back I got us signed up with punksbusted, and that seemed to help a little bit, but, for the past week our game machine has been choked trying to downlaod the MBL and I cannot even connect to the website. Don't know what's up, but I know that in searching for some information about them, I found you guys. You seem to interact a lot with the members. I'd like to make the switch over to you folks if you'll have us, we run a clean game, hate hackers and ban then as soon as we find them.
If we can sign up, I'm may be a bit pesty at first trying to figure out how to get the pb configs rid of punksbusted, ( nothing against those folks, I appreciate thier efforts ) I'm a general contractor, and an Elected official, know enough about computers to get in trouble, I just like the tone here a little better.
There it is, in all it's glory, how do I make an application?