Hate when I miss hot topics! =\ Damn!
One thing, I'm a SGA here at PBBans (ohh you can see that... right?) and well, I really do believe that what ever this guys say "It might be" then is surely banned on our server.
If you guys disagree... why the hell are you even here?!
Another thing that I learned on dealing with people is that whenever you're on the highest spot, they will do anything to bring you down. So it is only natural that things here over the internet would work the same way, across the line there is a humam typing, so that guy/gal would surely do the same thing that he would in real life... To put it in better words, he would do even more because he hides, he fells safe enought to do anything he likes and no one will come back at him. That goes to hackers too. Too long I've seen hacks make things look like it is a bug. Too long.
If they choose not to ban those, well, their choice. But on PBBans.com streaming server they are banned, because we chose to stream here, therefore I comply with every ban that gets done by PBBans.com. Once I stop doing so, I would just pack my things (just my account... see? Internet Mask) and leave. Won't create a inflamable topic because in real life I'm not like that, quite the opposite.
Anyway, the voice of the people is not always the voice of God, but the voice of knowlodge it is, and for what I've seen in the past year or so, those PBSS are not here out of random. And I'm sure that other poeple here will agree with me when I say "It is good that they're out of my server"
gr Bruno Melo N