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Everything posted by Eliteone

  1. Welcome back........ Glad to donate to the cause too. B)
  2. I like the fine work both sites do to make the games we play cheat free!! B) Keep up the good work!!!!
  3. :D I'm glad evenbalance is doing this. Those who steal the games make them more expensive for those of us who pay for them.
  4. On behalf of SFI clan we want to thank pbbans for the fine work you do in helping to make our gaming experience cheat-free. We'll send some $$ you way this week.
  5. I'd update my client side PB to the latest version and the server to the latest. You could also try removing mods and custom maps to see if maybe one of them is the cause. Does this happen on all servers or only certain ones?
  6. Welcome back. We missed you guys
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