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Everything posted by MILAR

  1. I also bind my melee to the down position of the scroll wheel it is nothing more than a confort position and no way does it give any advantage. As most have stated that the issue is with the rate of fire exploit. Now if in order to limit that exploit and do away with the scroll bind so be it. I think that would have to be a community descision. I for one would uphold it and move it to another key. If admins are really banning for that, Man I thought we were hard core.
  2. I would like to address the appreciation from the RA members to the PBBANS staff and all that were involved that worked to achieve this. Not only will this help the server admins that work hard to ensure clean games, it will also help the community to gain trust and friendship across the gaming community. We have alot of work to do. But it is a very exciting begining to a long relationship. GG's to all.
  3. We went through the same thing with TWL in RVS. We had our own private checks and we were forbidden to use them in a match. Well after some time and we opened up communication with them they made our configs standard for thier matches. Im sure this is a compromise. You guys would just have to work out the details.
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