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Everything posted by pwf_skabby

  1. Thanks, how bout some at 1440x900 for us widescreen whores :)
  2. I have been playing COD4 since release with no problems, but for the past week the first time I join my server every night, after about a minute I get kicked for comfail #132. I can immediately rejoin and play all night with no further kicks, so wtf?! lol. No big deal, but just annoying as all hell...
  3. Well I turned off my aa, and of course my game looks somewhat crappy, not too noticeable, but I do have good ss's now.
  4. But doesn't that make the game look like crap? I have the blackk ss, but I like my game to look pretty :) I wanna use what I paid for so to speak
  5. Done that and clamped negative lod, also have been through to many drivers to list.
  6. Uhmmm thats dumb. I've tried everything to fix my own screenshots without luck, so now am I expected to get banned from every "nub" server admin because of running Vista? Just face it, no matter how ridiculously awesome we may think we are in COD4, there is always a player (legit) that is totally gonna kick everyones ass. Meaning, there is always someone better, or someone who is having a good night, or just is in the right spot at the right time. Just because someone is kicking ur ass and returns a black ss is no reason even for a local ban.
  7. It's a little known application called "Windows Vista". :)
  8. Just tried it and works good. However I noticed on the left side where the player info is displayed needs to be widened just abit. It cuts off the ends of the pbguid. Thanks for such a great display.
  9. I think it just updated though, I think it was version 1.x when I had to keep inputin my pw... Let me generate some more ss's and I'll get back to you. Your web app rocks though, seriously love it.
  10. Hey, didn't know you moved this here :) But anyhow, I am using Vista 32bit and Firefox
  11. I double stream started this week and have no lag what-so-ever. Being members of both gives you access to many different cvar and md5 checks as well. Being a member of www.respectedadmins.com will give you many more as well.
  12. Is this the same fritz from RVSat twl? sup http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php
  13. May need to uninstall and reinstall bf2. Stats are server side so you dont have to worry about losing rank :)
  14. I agree, I found out about this place last week after being a member at punks busted since Jan '03. I like the fact about streaming to 2 places.
  15. Tried this last night with no results. I still give black ss's after updating grphx drivers, directx 10, and the control panel change.
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