Followed your instructions. Not really clear on one part. Once I enable the "run as administrator" in the compatibility mode, Everything is fine, then I run the program. Do I select the uninstall option and then the default option, or do I just go ahead with the default option "Install/Reinstall punkbuster service" ? Either way, I ran the default option of Install/reinstall, and Here is what I got:
Checking user is Administrator OK
Checking Administrator privileges OK
Opening Service Control Manager OK
Searching for PnkBstrA Found - OK
Extracting PnkBstrA service OK
Verifying service authenticity OK
Installing PunkBuster service OK
Installed at "C:\Windows\system32\PnkBstrA.exe"
Checking PunkBuster service status STOPPED
Starting PunkBuster service OK
Adding firewall rule for PnkBstrA ERROR
Installation Finished.
Please click "Next" to test the PunkBuster services.
I assume I got an error, simply because I don't have a firewall, and the windows firewall service is stopped.
I clicked "Next" to test the PunkBuster services:
Starting PunkBuster Service Tests (v0.986) (12/05/07 18:24:28)
Checking OS
Windows NT 6.0 (build 6000) 32-bit
Checking PnkBstrA service status RUNNING
Checking PnkBstrA Version OK (1029)
Extracting "PnkBstrB.exe" to:
Checking firewall settings ERROR
Checking if PnkBstrB is running NOT RUNNING
Getting port for PnkBstrA OK (44301)
Opening socket for packet send OK
Sending version packet to PnkBstrA SENT
Receiving version from PnkBstrA OK
Received 6 bytes from
Response = 7052 (ms) Version = v1029
Getting PnkBstrB install instance OK
Sending start packet to PnkBstrA SENT
Waiting for packet from PnkBstrA OK
Received 3 bytes from
Response = 11076 (ms) PnkBstrB started.
Watching for PnkBstrB instance change (4) CHANGED (5)
Getting port for PnkBstrB OK (45301)
Sending version packet to PnkBstrB SENT
Receiving version from PnkBstrB OK
Received 5 bytes from
Response = 0 (ms) Version = 1806
Checking PnkBstrK driver status NOT FOUND
Extracting new PnkBstrK to:
Sending load packet to PnkBstrB SENT
Checking PnkBstrK driver status RUNNING
Stopping PnkBstrK STOPPED
Deleting PnkBstrK OK
Checking PnkBstrK driver status DELETED
Manually stopping PnkBstrB STOPPED
Removing test PnkBstrB file OK
Tests finished.
Got a popup that stated "Tests completed without errors"
I clicked okay on the popup and then clicked finish.
I'm not sure what to make of it, but I have already run this before I posted. I will run the game and see what happens.
What, if you know, ports do punkbuster's services use. I haven't found anything on this and I will poke holes in my router just to be on the safe side if this is what is causing it, which I doubt since I haven't changed anything... but it is possible there was a firmware upgrade since I have it set to automatically upgrade firmware.
Thanks for your help and we'll see what happens.