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Everything posted by Shelkz

  1. Fact also, without still any answers. Thank you in any case for your answers :).
  2. Yes, I have to test. But unfortunately I have any answer. I need really assistance, because the play is now to submerge of cheaters. The system of banishment of the play not work... Without Pb, the server turns without crash landing 24/7 with 32 players. But with Pb, it crash landing every 2 hours and sometimes, every 10 minutes. :( My config:
  3. Up :( :( :(
  4. Up ... New log: Please help :-( Edit: New crash...:
  5. Hello, I currently have a big problem with my server crysis. My server crash landing by chance and without reason... Without punkbuster, the server crash never or almost, but i is not any more any protection... Here some end of log (PB and Server): Serveur: Punkbuster: I need really a solution. Thank :) Ps: To excuse me for my bad English.
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