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About Mitch66

  • Birthday 08/26/1966

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    [CKW] Gaming
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    Battlefield 2
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  1. Mitch66


    Thanks for the reply, I noticed that late last night when a few random players had joined the server it started streaming again but now that it's empty it has stopped again. Do you have any clue why that is? As for the Metal of Honor server, I have given up on streaming that one for now as there don't seem to be that many people playing it. Oh well I guess I can replace it with another Crysis or COD4 server or maybe another ETQW server since the 2- I have running are always packed. B)
  2. Mitch66


    I am still not having any luck getting Crysis to stream. Below is what I am seeing when I look at the console. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks- Tom
  3. I appreciate the response and I have been looking this over but unfortunately I don't see anything different than I have already tried. I am not sure if this helps but below is the message I keep seeing repeat itself in the Crysis console window. As I mentioned in my original post, all of my other servers are streaming fine, it's just Crysis & MOHA but let's just deal with Crysis for now. Please let me know if this helps you help me identify and rectify the problem. ^PunkBuster Server: PB UCON Session #170 Opened [] type=1 na\ ="pbbhub" Key= 354D759B1590B9DD0A01644741 BF5475 Next Line Same basic information at the beginning Except what's posted below. ^5 PunkBuster Server: PB UCON Session #170 Header Mismatch "pbbhub"\1926 * Keeps repeating with a new session id about every 30 seconds Thanks- Tom
  4. You have no idea how much I hate having to post for help asking for help but I guess even us old hands need assistance once and a while. Here goes, I have managed to get all of my servers to stream with the exception of my Crysis & Metal of Honor Airborne servers but since this is a MOHA section I will only address that question here. I have followed all the instructions for streaming MOHA and have done nothing different that with any of the other servers that are streaming but for some reason it still will not stream. At this point I am not sure what else to do so I have attached copies of my PB files with the exception of the "PBUCON" file because it will not allow me to attach it here. These are the exact files I am using less any passwords or IP specific information. If someone could take a look at them just to see if I have made any mistakes or overlooked something I would greatly appreciate it. Also if you have a MOHA server and have managed to get it to stream, I would be most grateful for any input you wish to offer. Thanks- Janitor pbsv.cfg pbsvlog.cfg pbsvuser.cfg
  5. Mitch66


    You have no idea how much I hate having to post for help asking for help but I guess even us old hands need assistance once and a while. Here goes, I have managed to get all of my servers to stream with the exception of my Crysis & Metal of Honor Airborne servers but since this is a Crysis section I will only address that question here. I have followed all the instructions for streaming Crysis and have done nothing different that with any of the other servers that are streaming but for some reason it still will not stream. At this point I am not sure what else to do so I have attached copies of my PB files with the exception of the "PBUCON" file becuase it will not allow me to attach it here. These are the exact files I am using less any passwords or IP specific information. If someone could take a look at them just to see if I have made any mistakes or overlooked something I would greatly appreciate it. Also if you have a Crysis server and have managed to get it to stream, I would be most grateful for any input you wish to offer. Thanks- Janitor pbsvlog.cfg pbsvuser.cfg pbsv.cfg
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