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    Malicious Mafia Servers:
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    BF2 NAW v6.0:
    BF2 Wake Air Show/Kubra No Bounds:

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    Malicious Mafia
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    =M==M= / MM
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    Battlefield 3
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  1. Thank you, I will keep that in mind for future use.
  2. Ah, Gatcha. The haters suck. I am not used to seeing the website up and running when there has been an attack. Doing a great job guys. Keep up the good work. I will be sending a donation to help out. Malicious Mafia appreciates all your hard work, time and effort.
  3. Hello, I signed on to PBBANS today and noticed all my servers are not steaming.,,, I have went through them all and resent the commands and still nothing. I tried restarting all the servers and still none are streaming. I don't know what else to do, please help. Thank you
  4. I have heard of this but never had the experiance yet. I have been asked to stop shooting and if it was OK to glitch. I never stopped shooting and I said if the server gets the SS of the glitch I will ban him because we don't allow glitching on the server. He left and I never saw him again. :D
  5. Are you saying this doesn't work?
  6. :biglol: :biglol: :biglol:
  7. Thank you PBbans for all your time and Hard work.
  8. I do understand everyone is busy. Can a PBBANS admin please tell me is what I am asking is possible? I have been more than patient waiting for some sort of reply.
  9. Thank you for everything. If it wasn't for you dedication we wouldn't have this.
  10. Can a PBBANS admin please tell me if this is possible without using adminmap? I would think the codes are available since we can already welcome a player by name. Thanks
  11. Well I couldn't find anything anywhere so I reinstalled the server. But after I reinstalled it I realized what happened. Lucky for me BranZone kept a backup and reinstalled everything for me. The main problem that was causing the messages not to scroll was. Since my messages were in the "svrmsgs.cfg" file there wasn't a command in the "pbsv.cfg" to run them. So I added "pb_sv_load svrmsgs.cfg" to the "pbsv.cfg" file and all is good now. Thank you everyone for your help. I appreciate everything and your time.
  12. OK I restarted PB and still no go. I do get a message at the bottom of the screen when I join the server. Not sure if it's normal. Message states: "PunkBuster Client: Warning: PB Kicks for Non-Standard Characters and all PB Restrictions on this server" I also ran the task list command and it displayed the following messages. "PunkBuster Server: PB Scheduled Task List: [slot #] [First] [Every] [Command]" and "PunkBuster Server: End of PB Task List (0 Tasks) Hope that info helps. I will now start searching files for the other task empty command. However I don't have the pbsvuser.cfg file.
  13. Would I log into the in-game Rcon and type the pb_sv_tlist command there? If so would it be /rcon pb_sv_tlist Also what is the command to restart PB? I will also search the other files for the task empty command. Anyone's you think I should look in first? Thanks
  14. Is it possible for you to show me an example. I am sorry guys I am new to the Rcon thing. I mainly run BF2 Servers through BF2CC. I am learning the rcon thing and have done OK so far. The messages were scrolling just fine before the changes to the server were made and/or I got the lastest COD4CC software. NOTE: Just looked I don't have a pbsvuser.cfg file.
  15. The thing is it worked before just fine I didn't change anything in this file. The messages just don't scroll. I will try what you suggest though. Changes, New file now. //^1MALICIOUS MAFIA COD4 SERVER CODES AND MESSAGES. //3-2-08 pb_sv_taskempty //pb_sv_TaskDel 1 //pb_sv_TaskDel 2 //pb_sv_TaskDel 3 //pb_sv_TaskDel 4 //pb_sv_TaskDel 5 //pb_sv_TaskDel 6 //pb_sv_TaskDel 7 //pb_sv_TaskDel 8 //pb_sv_TaskDel 9 //pb_sv_TaskDel 10 //pb_sv_TaskDel 11 //pb_sv_TaskDel 12 // Task setup for PunkBuster // where <color> = // ^1 for Red // ^2 for Green // ^3 for Yellow // ^4 for Blue // ^5 for Cyan // ^6 for pink/Magenta // ^7 for White // ^8 for Black // // where <message> = the text you want to scroll // // eg. pb_sv_task 10 340 "say <color><message1>" pb_sv_task 10 340 "say ^1WELCOME TO THE MALICIOUS MAFIA =M==M= GameTracker Server" pb_sv_task 40 340 "say ^1WE ARE ALWAYS RECRUITING MATURE DEDICATED PLAYERS" pb_sv_task 70 340 "say ^1VISIT US AT ----- www.MALICIOUSMAFIA.com" pb_sv_task 100 340 "say ^1We are CNOP Approved! Please goto www.maliciousmafia.com and VOTE for us!" pb_sv_task 130 340 "say ^1Join us on VENTRILO IP: P/W: MAFIA" pb_sv_task 160 340 "say ^1CHECK OUT OUR OTHER SERVERS AT: (BF2-Veh) ** (BF2-I/O)" pb_sv_task 190 340 "say ^2RULE 1: NO BUNNY HOPPING..." pb_sv_task 220 340 "say ^2RULE 2: NO MARTYDOM OR LAST STAND..." pb_sv_task 250 340 "say ^2RULE 3: DO NOT Force TEAMKILLS..." pb_sv_task 280 340 "say ^2RULE 4: RESPECT EVERYONE..." pb_sv_task 310 340 "say ^2RULE 5: NO CHEATING (Glitching/Hacking)..." //pb_sv_task 340 340 "say messages goes here" Still doesn't work. Any other idea's? I appreciate the help.
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