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About WildFinn

  • Birthday 08/26/1965

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  1. Thx Fozzer!! Nice to see, that men in black still live and kicking ;). Greetz to Fozzyson aswell. [OT]WildFinn aka [steel]Wild
  2. Hello... Is there any new info from VIOLATION (GAME HOOK) 125134? Is it valid or false violation? In ESL many players been banned due to that violation, so is there any info from EB ...is it gonna stay, or gonna be lifted? Best Regards [stee] Wild
  3. No Finnish....hmm, international language and more than 5 million peole speak that in whole world :P
  4. Yes...but had to delete old server, and add new one because ISP changed our IP.
  5. I wonder too..why I
  6. " Autoexec works in COD4, but you have to put command line like this in your COD4 icon properties : "C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\iw3mp.exe" +exec autoexec.cfg or if using Xfire...detect your games...choose COD4 Multiplayer..ant there is line where to put exec autoexec.cfg. And if playing in Leagues...some of those doesnt allow to use vstr commands even to toggle demo commands. Best way is, if need short cut to demo commands is use example Bind F9 "record" and Bind F10 "stoprecord" later you can rename those demos, if needed.
  7. OK...thx for info.. I read some topic..that Overlay feature should not use..with PB protected games. So, I guess it should disabled then.
  8. Anybody use mumble voice already? Just wanna know, is there any PB issues with that...before start using. There is overlay feature aswell, so wondering if it is prohibited like overlay in ventrilo? http://mumble.sourceforge.net/ Wildy
  9. As above....well done
  10. Well said Fozz...seen you many years on certain game with men in black..and really miss those JOLT days.. Wildy aka yber noob :lol:
  11. Agree...just caught one lamer from other clans server... obvious autoaim and walhack. Already send demo to them..and they have streaming on Punkbusted...so..no use here. Player was bad..even with that cheat on...and spotted him right away... Wildy NB: Think they trying to catch lamers, but they are always ahead a bit.
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