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Everything posted by ES-Phoenix

  1. Fantastic I just didn`t know whether I had to merge the 2 dat files .. :D Now I understand .. B)
  2. So the MBI is located here and not on my server ?? And when a client connects it is checked through here and not a banlist on my local machine ?? If this is the case and someone banned on the MBI tries to join my server and is kicked is this then written into a file on my server or not ?? So many questions :)
  3. Hmm Also just noticed that PBBANS is now adding bans to my pbbans.dat file but the pbbans.dat file is different on my 2 servers, 1 has 2 entries from you guys the other has about 12 entries ??
  4. Hey Guys Being new here I am still working out how things work. According to my status my servers are streaming okay but how does this work. I was under the assumption that the streaming would create your banlist on my servers and update them when streaming but I see no banlist. I am also new to the COD series of games so some of the jargon is confusing. I have been into the master ban index on the site and see that I can generate a banlist but the banlist is pbbans.dat to which I already have a file from PsB named that. So do I need to generate a banlist and FTP it to my servers manually?? I have read thru your forums and just get confused .. :rolleyes:
  5. Excellent .. ;)
  6. Is everything okay now ?? If I go into my server info it says both is streaming to you ?? Thx in advance .. ;)
  7. App Submitted .. :rolleyes:
  8. Thx for all your responses Reason for this post was that I am new to this organisation and simply asked for some input as to the way things were. Yes I have been a member at PsB for a long time and was also one of the first members over at RA before leaving that organisation. I am here as a clan admin looking to keep my COD4 servers as clean as possible. I work hard in the AC group I am with to keep the circumventers away from servers and am always on the lookout for extra tools. My post was not intended to advertise or offend anyone here I am just a concerned admin wanting a clean server. I currently run the AUTOMBL software and use all of PsB`s checks and take them at face value. I see that your checks are picking things up PsB ain`t which makes any clan leaders interested .. :D
  9. Hi Guys I have been forwarded to your site and thought I would stop by and say hello. I am the leader of Elite Shooters UK (www.es-uk.co.uk) and work closely with another anticheat organisation that put circumventers onto a public banlist. Do any of your busts end up on the MBL or is it just contained within this group. The reason I ask this is that one of my members witnessed a blatent cheater using a retlock and I found him on your banlist. Looking at the PsB repository his GUID is clean? If this is the case then would it be a fair assumption that the checks from this group is stronger than PsB ??
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