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Sir Foo KWSN

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About Sir Foo KWSN

  • Birthday 12/09/1969

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  • Location
    Newcastle UK

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  • Name
    Knights who say Ni!
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  • Game Server IP Address and Port
  • Game Played
    Call of Duty 4
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  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. I hope your a Female, Cos why would a Male want a tasty Johnny? :lol: :lol: :lol: :rolleyes:
  2. Sure, a "pbsvnew.dll" file needed to be added to the server set up.
  3. Thanks m8.....Sorted. ;)
  4. Yeah, I've been into the server set up and tried that several times.....nothing happening.
  5. OK, Call me thick lol, but that don't mean anything to me. What do I need to do now? PS: I got no responce to "pb_sv_ver"
  6. OK - I've just set up our new CoD4 server and it says that it's streaming on my account info. I've updated the server PB files and made sure mine was also updated (never had to before though?) But everyone is getting kicked out of the server now and has only happened sinse I set up the streaming..... Please help before the dog gets a kicking. :blink: :D
  7. Hi, I've just added two new servers to my account, one Cod4 - The other CoD5. I've managed to get the CoD4 server set up and streaming, but can't get the CoD5 one to stream. I keep getting the following message? I also noticed that my name appears blue instrad of green now, is this because the the two old servers were off-line for a few days?
  8. Fix it! Signed. #150
  9. The default is 65 and the max is 80.
  10. Thanks, it works. and no I didn't know that.
  11. I can't get the Chinatown map to run on my server, can someone confirm my command line is correct. "gametype sd map mp_chinatown"
  12. Hi, There was a post here somewhere with a command line that you put into your CoD4 shortcut, but can't find it. I'm looking for a command line that lets you enter a server with the rcon and private slot password already loaded if thats possible?. Many thanks, Foo.
  13. The following are console commands that may help improve network and gaming performance. If you do not know what the "console" is, then go read the COD public forums. The console is opened from your game by hitting the ~ key below the ESC key. All console command start with a "\" key (above the enter key) Connections 1) Reduce number of failed connections to server: - \cl_connectsattempts 30 (or 60) - \cl_connectiontimeout 500 (increases the amount of time that you PC attempts to connect to a server before it quits trying.) Performance or gaming improvements 1) Punkbuster Sleep setting \pb_sleep 500 (tells punkbuster client software to wait longer before awakening and sending info to PB) \pb_writecfg (makes the above setting permanent so you don't have to do it each time you log in) - The above changes the frequency that your PC reports to the server and thus reduced frequency of network spikes and the associated latency. 2) Packet transfer setting: \cl_maxpackets 100 - This setting helps smooth out data transfer and should help if you have a cable or other high speed connection. I got a 20ms ping improvement and other FMJ members have seen the same improvement with many indicating they are getting better hit registration. 3) Manage whether or not extra or duplicate packets are sent to the server \cl_packetdup 0 or 1 (1 is default and this sends an extra packet of data in case the first one is lost. If you enable the lagometer (see tools below), then you can see if you are losing any packets. If yes, then leave this at 1. If no, you can consider changing to 0. 4) Enable higher Frames Per Secon (FPS): \com_maxfps 125 (Default is 60 so this may help overall FPS. Some say this should be set at or just above your average FPS to smooth things out) (Others say the eye can only see 60FPS so who knows) - This allows your game to go allow higher frame rates that the default. Set it to a value you want based on the capabilities of you machines
  14. Thanks.
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