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Everything posted by Cpt.'.Needa

  1. No doubt, three updates in a week, rocks, haven't got any myself, but love seeing that hub rotate. Thanks. www.habitat4hookers.org
  2. I myself is clueless and lookin to be ready for the next gen lol But box we will have.
  3. I think I want one, I believe my dontions will keep nice one going. Have plenty of members, lots of hits on website. But clueless on Dedicated Server Pros and Cons. And for that matter where to go to get one. Been gettin it from a cpl differant angles and clueless.
  4. Last night was wonderful bot

  5. A friend I play with Warchild from mace is gettin this error in 2142 now, pbkick. Unknown Windows API function 1331134 Says it started happening after his last windows vista security update. He has uninstalled reinstalled and such. I figure there is some registry file in there messin it up still? Any ideas? Thanks Needa. Told him I would put out some feelers and try to help.
  6. I seem to not be able to login to homepage now to update my cvar, account setup, etc. Everytime I try I get pass no valid now, sends me to forums to recover password. I can login to forums fine, if I try to reset my password, that still does not work on homepage but does on forums. Am I missing something ? hehe. Peace, Needa
  7. by god i think we got it, thanks.
  8. I dled the pbuser and applied to the pb folder, i do notice my pb folder on server does not have a pbsv.cfg but a pbsv.?? is that the problem? I am clueless, can someone point me in the right direction via link? or something... Had a cod4 server streaming and would like to get this one going asap.
  9. eh no biggie bro, just used to you (Rodeo) helpin me out, I have known ya for awhile, you have helped me out since cod4 came out , I guess they are streaming again, never changed ip in config is all. peace.
  10. Ya apparently I have notta streaming, thanks for the help, rofl. Rodeo is so much nicer, remind me not to donate again Fozzer, peace.
  11. If an admin looks it is under serve mgt, they are there already, but thanks for the pleasant replay, SA! But as they fixed the problem I assume someone was smarter ( and nicer ) than thou.
  12. Apparently I missed a cpl changes, can u make sure my servers are good to go please, this is the only place I can make a post I guess, added another server today. Thanks, Needa
  13. Nice, thanks guys, good to be back :)
  14. added new server with correct port..
  15. Crud I put the wrong port in it should be 5476, lol, grr
  16. Guys not sure, but it looks like my FFOW server is not streaming? Is it ready to go?, streaming that is for the game. If all is good, then I obviosly missed something.
  17. added you just in case [email protected] or Cpt^Needa works on my end.
  18. I have dled and uploaded the two files, issued all ingame commands, used the fix commands, and I really think I am streaming but the site says I am not. Under pb_sv_uconlist I get basically this, without typos, lol "PunkBuster Server:[sLot][Type][Name] """"" 1 pbbhub *<-- wrong, http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=41855 * """"" Wnd Of Pb UCon PRofile list [1entry]" my server ip is server name is 'Hardcore Hookers" Pbhub cod4 [KGB] I would be willin to give someone I can trust recon pass to help fix, if its not working Sorry for the bother, just an old guy that hates cheats, and would love to make sure I am up and streaming correctly, thanks for your time, Roger C.
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