I have dled and uploaded the two files, issued all ingame commands, used the fix commands, and I really think I am streaming but the site says I am not.
Under pb_sv_uconlist I get basically this, without typos, lol
"PunkBuster Server:[sLot][Type][Name]
""""" 1 pbbhub *<-- wrong, http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=41855 *
""""" Wnd Of Pb UCon PRofile list [1entry]"
my server ip is
server name is 'Hardcore Hookers"
I would be willin to give someone I can trust recon pass to help fix, if its not working
Sorry for the bother, just an old guy that hates cheats, and would love to make sure I am up and streaming correctly, thanks for your time, Roger C.