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About Smex

  • Birthday 02/17/1978

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  • Name
    Aussie Underdogs
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  • Game Played
    Battlefield 2
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  1. I feel your pain After many months the company who we rented a Ranked bf2 server created a script that uploaded SS's to our ftp server. If you asked nicely they maybe able to do this for you
  2. Smex


    when using pbcl.cfg is there anyway of converting this information to be stored on a SQL database
  3. If only the 2 parties, PBbans and PsB, were able to share the ban info. Also would be fantastic if we had a way to have the ban feeds soley from our server/s to a webpage on our own site. thats it so far
  4. Hello Just wandering is it possible to get the "View My Bans" as a RSS feed to put on our website.
  5. A guy got banned for using a gamehack #89098 on the 12th of february from our server but when I looked over at PsB it still shows as a clean GUID. Do I need to report this to them, what happens now
  6. kk no worries about the recorders then however PBss can they be automatically moved to another remote destination. I know in BF2 you could edit one of the .cfg file to do this. Does COD4 have the same sort of thing Thanks
  7. Is there a way for the demo recordings to be on all the time while the server is running. We currently stream via pbban hub. If it can be done where do I make the changes Cheers
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