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Everything posted by .ZodiaC.

  1. Tried that already no luck yet... So i guess you are having the same problem as me then, Is there anyone else here on the forums who is having the same problem since the latest PB update...?
  2. When you install the newest version of AA (2.8.3) your "user.ini" contains all default values, The cvar checks are based on those values as far as i know...
  3. Hey All, Since the latest PB update on AA, My console gets spammed by PB notifications on removed players. It doesnt matter what kind of violation they trigger PB just keeps spamming that he has been removed from the game untill the player actually leaves the server. Is there any way to turn this off or does it just have to be fixed in a new PB update... This has been happening on both 2.8.2 & 2.8.3 so im quite sure its not related to the latest AA patch... Tahnks in advance.
  4. pb_sv_cvar "Throw_M84_Stun _fEffectDuration *" IN 20.000000 Has to be changed to: pb_sv_cvar "Throw_M84_Stun _fEffectDuration *" IN 12.000000 That was the one and only violation i got kicked for from my server after the update to 2.8.3, And since i changed it all wors well as it should. Also make sure you are running the latest scripts from AON or wherever, Not sure if PBBans updated the checks already.
  5. Welcome back guys, Keep up the good work!!
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