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Everything posted by NSE_BUDDADEN

  1. Hello, The Strange Guys gaming clan is now recruiting members to take part in our clan. We are newly formed and are looking to expand our membership.We Are A NO CHEAT CLAN!!! We currently have game servers for Homefront, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Black Ops, and Battlefield 3. We are looking for members of at least 18 years of age or older (with some exceptions). If you are interested in joining our casual gaming community, please register on the The Strange Guys forums at http://www.thestrangeguys.com/ Thank you for reading this post, and we hope to see you in our clan. One final note, we do have a TeamSpeak3 server. The connection information for that server is ts1.freevoicehost.com:9987. Thank you once again, The Strange Guys
  2. i stream 2 cod4 servers pbbans & psb, i also have a black ops server. imho i would rather have pbbans & psb running on the bo server as well.i think that vac has a lame anti cheat. & will continue to suport pbbans,hopeing that we will someday be able to stream all our servers . i hope this is a step in joining the streaming so we can stream them all,if we choose
  3. GR8 JOB GUYS :ban: :ban: :ban: :ban:
  4. would like to get my account reactivated.is the a proper forum?and what is the procedure? thanks Buddaden
  5. needs to get fixed
  6. DA will be glad to send in a donation.let me get our stuff paid & ill see whats in the kitty left. you guys do a gr8 job and as for this frikin noob mother.we will continue to put your ass on lists & keep you outta our server.WE ARE HERE FOR GGZ. Deadly assassins clan DA|BUDDADEN
  7. WOOT!!!GR8 NEWS. now we need a hacker possie to go out & smash the pcs after their caught :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :lol: :lol:
  8. welcome back guys
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