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Everything posted by Oracleman

  1. Many did but we didnt make it mandatory until now
  2. Got it already & the wheels are turning...
  3. We will, planning to introduce it in our next seasons (cod4 and bf2) In case you wonder we are @ http://www.definitive-leagues.net on going on our 5th year I think
  4. OK thx. PS: Not my clan but playing in our league
  5. Right. Takk for det.
  6. I'm sorry if I'm a pain in the butt - but That's actually a yes and no to my question. But as long as a guid can be stolen there could also be innocent ip's IF the person it was stolen from never cheated. However, if the IP attached to the pbbans ban record originally comes from the PB streaming server that caught the cheater then I guess that answers my question. (as said earlier in this thread, the player in question here claims his guid was stolen but he posted multiple times in our forums using the same IP as recorded on the ban. I find it hard to believe that someone stole his guid and spoofed his IP at the same time) (and there are no other ip ranges recorded on guid either so I also find it hard to belive the guid was actually stolen unless it was stolen by his brother) Again, sorry for weird questions. :lol:
  7. Just to clear this up all the way. We all know bans are not on IP. I also understand how an innocent player can be banned if his key was stolen. But - is the IP logged on a specific ban always the IP of the cheater? Knowing how PB streams bans I assume so but a yes or no would be good here. Thx
  8. Yup all that is fair enough. Sorry - buy a new game. Unfortunately that's not good enough for us. And yes, I think he is the actual cheater ;)
  9. OK. A bit troubling but OK. I know bans are not on IP only in this particular case the ban is logged on the same IP as the person I'm talking about used in our forums The playername also correspnds. I think that pretty much proves he was cheating HIMSELF even though his guid could have been stolen. We use a "once a cheater always a cheater" policy in our league meaning we would not let him play league matches again even if he did buy a new game. So we basicly need to know he was cheating and not someone else.
  10. Thx m8, I dont need further explanations. I know how it works, just needed confirmation on the IP logged on all bans actually being the cheaters IP. In this case he posted on our forums using the same IP as that showing in the ban. Thx for your help
  11. Hi, got a question about how actual bans happen. A player in our league claims he got on the PBBANS list after someone had stolen and played CoD4 using his guid. He says (referring to a thread at gameviolations.ggl.com about violation #50104): So my question is simply is this BS? I assume all bans are triggered by the cheater himself and hence logged on his IP. Not on someone potentially innocent later on. Plz tell me I'm right :blink:
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