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Everything posted by Bulgy

  1. hehehe i see what you mean, I dont know why the guys started on pbss subject 1st, could be there has been alot of talk about it over the last week or so, and i got to say i am looking forward to read what BP have got to say about cvar and md5. Keep Safe and its my bed time night all.
  2. I think you find its more to high light the errors which can happen sometimes with AC sites and as it is stated on that Post that it was just using that pbss as an example of how some AC ban for something which other dont, In fact i think it is a good post and all AC sites can learn somthing from it. Keep Safe all
  3. this is the link info from EB http://evenbalance.com/index.php?page=links.php BP help EB to buy and bust cheats which are being sold on cheat sites and are very good at it, over 55% of all violations which get added to AC sites are down to them buying and helping EB.
  4. How many cheats would a site sell if it said that its cheats are detected? to many players believe what the cheats say. The fact is that most if not all the sites out there selling cheats have there cheats detected. But you dont here about that, you just listen to what the cheats say and more fool you for believing them in the 1st place. People like bustedpunks.com are working along side EB to bust the private cheats which are being sold and over 50% of the pb violations which get added to the ban list here has only came about thanks to them. There is a lot more which goes on with EB and PB then you or anyone else knows about. I do think that you should take the time and learn about PB and what it can do before you keep having a go at the best AC system there is. No other AC system gives the server admins the tools which PB does
  5. I dont like stepping in to a topic like this but as you ban is also showing up on PsB i think the staff at pbbans will under stand There are two players showing up using your CD Key code. One is in the USA and the other player is in Canada. The player in Canada got the 1st Aimbot #50104 violations and the other two violations are showing up on the player in the USA. All 50104 violations get a Global ban. I am not saying that you have been using a cheat but one of the two players using this CD Key has been using a cheat to get this violation. You could log a support ticket with Even Balance and if EB does remove this Global ban from your PB guid then you will find that the sites you are ban on would remove your ban. This is the link to EB to log a support ticket http://evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_t...t.php?game=cod4 I hope this helps to clear some of this up for you.
  6. all is good then, have a nice day
  7. Flame war what are you on about?
  8. who getting into what pissing competition? TEXASHAMMER was saying that it takes up to 3 days and all i did was to say it can take up to 3 days and it can take less. whats the big deal about that?
  9. Yes sometimes it can take 3 days other times it can take a few minutes, Punksbusted run checks on all new servers and server admins before anyone can stream to PsB.
  10. I think before you post something like this about PsB you should get your facts right. Maybe you should post up on the PsB forum and ask them how far behind PsB are. and not post up a reply which is just BS.
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