Looks like a nother ripp off from the gaming factory's.
I think we deserve the right to play a demo of a game, to see if you like it or not.
I sure that i would never buy a motorcycle or a car if i can't test drive it.
But for gaming, its like; if you want to try it, buy it.
I already have to many bad produced games that collecting dust onderneed my desk.
Games that are buggy or have bad gameplay.
Lucky i found a toyshop in Holland where you can return a game within 3 days if you don't like them or can't play them.
If they want us to pay 48 euro or dollar to buy a game , we deserve the right to play it first by using a demo.
There are to many bugged games for the last few years.
Years ago they used a group of beta testers,who had contact with the gaming studio.
They tested this beta demo, and gave there pc spects to them, and reported bad gameplayor buggs.
Nowdays game facorys have there own in house testers, mostly guys who also build the game.
And they throw a badly tested demo's on the net, and they get insulted all over from gamers.
I think they got sick of that.
On the otherhand, and this might be offtopic but:
Why we have to pay in Europe the same price in Euro as in USD?
If a game cost 48 Usd, we pay 48 euro (sometimes even more).
48 usd = 38 euro
48 euro, = 64.24 usd
Some gameshops are willing to lower there game prices, but they simply got blocked from distrubution.
So they are forced to sell the games at price the facorty wants.
Game booklets get cheaper and cheaper printed, without being laminated or just in black and white printed on newspaper quality paper.
Some game factorys are not even willing to print a manual anymore.
They simply say its online or on a digital manual on the dvd.
But what if you play the game, and you want to lookup someting in the manual?
The game industry is running by to many manager money whores in stead of game loving people.
years ago they all wanted to make a good game, nowdays it looks like all they want is making more money then ever.
Offcource companys have to make money, but its bussy to turn i a wrong way.
For some games its even not possible to get support or a patch if the game is older than 6 months.
I am gaming for 22 years now. (i am 38)
And i seen the turn.
years ago you could play a game for 25 or 40 hours, and that worth of my money i spend on it.
Nowdays games can be finnished in 8 to 12 hours.
yes offcource you have the multiplayer, but i always prefer the singellayers.
Its seams like nowdays games are only made for the multiplayer.
But don't forget this is a easyer way for them to genarate money from us.
Be ready for the console take over, or the browser gaming in network, and the drop of pc games.
There already bussy with it, making hughe money making contracts for 1 console made game, like playable on Paystation only.
But it seams they forget its to easy to copy a console game.
in Holland you can rent for 5,- euro a consolegame in a videoshop for a week, copy it and play it for free.
For pc gamers they make all kind of difficulties for us to play it. like this stupid steam. or a demanded internet connection.
If you have a temp problem with your priverders connection, you can't play it.
Its like you have a expencive car and you can only buy fuel from your car factory from who you bought it.
They forget the hardcore pc gamers group who made gaming succesfully, and spend lots of money on expencive game pc's.
Payed demos, lol.
I would see the first car dealer that say to you: yeah offcource you may test drive, pay 100 Euro first.