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Everything posted by BigErnie

  1. After gaming with you, no. I had a hacker/former clan member I banned from our clan, BEFORE he got caught, who claimed, "Oh I just got better because I play on a 42" TV screen. There is nothing that a 0.7 k2d ratio player in bf2 can buy, other than hacks, that makes him a <2.5 k2d ratio player. Time, patience and training, maybe, nothing that makes you that great that fast. You do remember who you came to when you needed someone to make the final call on hackers? MMMMMEEEEEE, remember that? I was the one you came to asking if these stats were impossible, game play was suspect. You told me a great many times, you respected my opinion and would ban that person based on what I said. Simply because I take the time to watch people. I don't stats farm, unless something is obvious, like the attached picture and a personal vouching from Chris, who you had a long conversations with about the hacks you bought. I was there also when you talked about buying them, just not when you actually did. Here is the argument that you present; I am not hacking because you have no proof. That is what someone prior pretty much stated. That argument is also what every hackers presents. This reminds me of Jean Luc Picard talking about the Borg, "Here is where we draw the line, right here" (with all your english accent you can muster). Those people who complain about our ban list seem to have the idea that we must follow the bans from PB and other 3rd party streamers only. The line consists of hackers on the left and everyone else on the right. OMG. VI banned someone where there was no proof!!!! The audacity! The outrage! They aren't even on the ban list!!!! The thing to remember is no one was banned instantly or before they were gaming to be put on the ban list. The reality is EVERYONE was on the right, a non hacker. At some point in time, the hackers were non hackers. WHAT!!! YOU HAVE NO PROOF!!!! Yes, that is true, no one is instantly caught. The very argument that there is no proof so we can't add them to our list is just childish. By that very rule we should let the person who goes 300+ kills almost instantly be allowed to run amok in our servers, because they aren't PB or 3rd party banned. The reality of the situation is; The line consists of caught hackers on the left and on the right; hackers who haven't been caught yet, hackers who probably will never be caught, and everyone else. We have one person who we banned and probably will never will be banned by PB or any 3rd party system. I won't go into a discussion about how this is done, but when we searched his name after numerous complaints. We found him giving instructions, with the same name he games with, on a website of how not to get caught hacking. After we banned that account, 2 days later he was back with a new GUID. The first GUID having never been globally or 3rd party banned. By the reasoning put forth here, he should be ALLOWED to play in our servers. This will never happen as long as I run the clan. CLEAN GUIDS DO NOT MEAN SOMEONE ISN'T HACKING. That respect you game me as the leader of our own anti-cheat within our clan, deal with it hacker.
  2. Search this website for the ips of "Rent-A-Skillz" in bf3. That name has a cheat level of 100% in BF3 and the ips are exactly the same as said person. Like I said about the banlist in question, Don't like it, don't follow it, I don't know how much clearer that can get. We will maintain our own servers and our own banlist. Our clan did enough leg work on this ban. Why else would you name yourself "Rent-A-Skills(z)?" Scott and Chris, were both part of the anti-cheat at FUB during BF2, and yes I was told from a friend of over 10 years, one of the 2 previous names. If you don't know those people, then obviously hearsay should mean less to you than me. How do I know these people's name, I KNOW THEM, do you? If you want personal proof of a first person conversation, I am sure I can arrange that. If you don't care, then let him in your BF3 and BF4 servers. I don't really care what happens beyond this post. It will not change my mind and you obviously did not read that I followed him in first person FOR SEVERAL HOURS along with several other admins. To me the only ban that should not be held in question is first person watching someone hack. We all know there are hacks out there that are not detectable. I research players names, accounts profiles, and anything that can be used to justify a ban. I have personally sent Evenbalance several sites that were not in their sights. He played in our servers for at least 3 weeks while we watched his game play. I do not take banning lightly as stated before. I can count on one hand the amount of people I have banned from first person spectator(not including the obvious hackers flipping around like meth heads on withdrawal). I out right defend ALL people accused of hacking and I am the final say, because I spend the time watching people, sometimes more than I get to game. AND ONCE AGAIN, THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH PBBANS.
  3. I was told by one of the former admins from FUB, and now an admin for us, that this person had bought hacks to experiment with. The former admin told me that he played extensively with said hacks under the name "Rent-A-Skills". He also told me how you explained everything about the hacks. I also based this on watching your game play for about 3-4 hours. I watched you track people through walls. I watched you go back to flag and tracking people that there was no way for you to know where they were. I had this discussion in our TS with other admins. Your hacking account Rent-A-Skills will forever be linked to your account via static IP. Having gamed with you for over 7 years back to BF2, I know you are hacking. I know your skill level. I witnessed it and I played against you for years, I don't mean to make this sound condescending, but facts are facts. I made the sole decision to uphold the ban. The said 3rd party list everyone is whining about, is not recognized by PBBans so should be no issue here. If other clans do not like how we take the time to watch people before we ban them, then they have the ability to "not follow" our clans bans. Our clan has removed other clans from our followed list. We do not ban unless an admin has watched the player long enough to witness events that cannot be explained without hacks. We do not take lightly making bans and your ban took over a week of discussion with all our admins and almost all of them watched your game play. We made a unanimous decision to make the ban. I appreciate everyone's comment and suggestions, but this is not a matter for PBBans.
  4. Welcome Back!!!!!!!!
  5. I agree, I can hear someone firing about the same time and after the main person in the video starts to shoot. We don't hear the conversation before they kill the person, but it sounds like they had it planned, when he said "Now, No." I bet they said something in the match before the action took place, like he's behind the garbage can holding spawn. Plus the audio is pretty easy to pinpoint where someone is to me. If the guy behind the trash can fired before the video took place you can find where they are by simply looking left and right and "hear" when you center on where they are.
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