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About Nightmare8412

  • Birthday 02/23/1984

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  1. Sorry to say m8 activision wont do nothing apart from say buy a new cd key.... You might beable to give em ur serial from ur cd key and get 1 that way...
  2. Hey all what does everyone think about this. As most of you probably know after 185 nvidia drivers they have included something called ambient occlusion.... Now according to Nvidia this is to add realism to scenes by redusing the intensity of ambient light on surfaces blocked by surrounding objects... The thing that i am intrested in is are Evenbalance or PBBans going to class this as a kind of cheat because when playing COD4 you can see outlines of the players through the smoke and it could be classed as an unfair advantage... IMO i feel that it is part of the Nvidia driver set so people should beable to use it if they wanted but i just wanted to get different peoples opinions about it.... Cheers everyone :-)
  3. I think you probably all know now but here is the reason steam and VAC are a pile of poo.... http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?p=5509180 Multihacks and VAC can't detect it and nobody can kick them out! IW HAS FAILED.
  4. Hello all. I am from eXk|| and RA staff member. The reason this has come about is i run his GUID and yes a banned key that is his friends is linked to him but when you look at the ip's and dates at least 1 of them is a positive match so this is the reason he was put on the SBL or to PBBans an EBL.... "well.. it wasn't on my cd key.. he just happened to be in cheat mood when i was at his house for a LAN.. while playing on same server." With this just said also it there is a direct ip link and this is the reason he was placed on the RA's SBL 80.196.**.206 this is the positive matched ip that was used for lan gaming...
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