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Everything posted by packet_loss

  1. our server is now streaming, as soon as i got the email from myis saying they were done patching with the r6 patch, i checked our server and it s now streaming thanks packet
  2. Ok i followed the steps and this is what i came up with Connected to Server now do i add the server with the port being 2489 or the default port of 19567 thanks packet
  3. i am able to to edit the pbsv.cfg file, i even setup pb webtool from the pbsv.cfg and ran the streaming commands from pb webtool and restarted the server and still no streaming i have used the 1.26 version of webtool through pbbans, tried bc2guardian. i know =SOE= has their server myis and their server is streaming packet
  4. ok, well i cleared everything out of the pbucon.use and saved it, i thought maybe it might have something to do with my server not streaming.
  5. i still cannot get our server streaming what is suppose to be in the pbucon.use file, from what i can tell it has the same exact contents as my pbsv.cfg witch means the info i have posted aabove is in both pbsv.cfg and pbucon.use file thanks packet
  6. i have tried the web tool and i also tried http://g4g.pl/bc2guardian-download still no streaming thanks packet
  7. i have the server hosted with myinternetservices and do not appear to have access to the requested .cfg file. i do know other clans that also have thier servers with the same provider and they claim their server is streaming thanks packet
  8. anyone have any ideal why i cannot get our bc2 server streaming. i ran the pb web setup tool. it went through all the motions and came back and said no errors and that the server should be streaming. it was the correct version of web tool, i have restarted the server sevrals times. thanks packet
  9. yea, i am having the same issue, when i try to use the xp unzip util it says no files to extract but the file size is like 2mb, then i downloaded it again and tried opening with winrar and its failed said damaged file or corupt packet
  10. Please Add pb_sv_protecttag 1 =PL= thanks pack
  11. thanks i am already aware of that, i need it removed so we can add to our acct. since they no longer have that ip addresss packet
  12. just got a dedicated server and must have been used by another clan, not able to add the server said its already streaming server ip thanks packet
  13. server is now streaming, i removed the server and added again with a differnt port and it appears to be streaming now i changed it to this port 17567 witch is odd every other config for this server shows the port as 16567 well anyway it appears to be fixed and maybe this well help someone in the future thanks packet
  14. is the server we are talking and it was just added yesterday and i dont ever recall seeing it stream. i copied and pasted the commands right from the no stream fix document and i made extra sure i didnt have an extra space in front or behind the command could the port make a difference, this is a 2142 server useing port 16567 thanks packet
  15. ok, i called them up and asked them directly, i guess what he meant was the ticket had been put in hold till the person gets in and works on this. but to answer your question they said yes the pbucon.use file is in the root PB directory no, there are no error messages in the pb logs so i am not sure what else can be wrong thanks packet
  16. i ask my game server provider what you asked me and this is what they said. so i am not sure what to do Below are your ticket details:RE:pbbans stream by AoWC_DeadHeart 2/8/2008 12:24:14 PM I have sent this to working for pug thank you
  17. i have a server that will not stream. i have done the not streaming fix sevral times, restarted the server, deleted and readded the server from my pbbans acct sevral times and it will not stream. i have 4 other servers that are streaming fine 4 servers are hosted with mis are streaming fine my 5th is hosted with aowc here is the info from the server not streaming ;PB UCON Settings / Lists pb_sv_usessionlimit 3 pb_sv_ucontimeout 300 pb_sv_uconempty pb_sv_uconadd 1 "" "pbbanshub" "pbbanshub" pb_sv_uconignoreempty any ideals what could be wrong? aowc sure doesnt thanks packet loss
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