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Everything posted by Tenacity

  1. Hey thanks guys I posted a link to your site on our forum and pm'd the admin so we will see.
  2. I don't think it will because his guid turns up nothing and PB didn't catch him. He appears to be clean... but obviously isn't. I am not sure he will be able to return to our server because they said that they perm banned him. IMO he did a lot of damage to the server because he ran many off. Oh ok am I to understand that PBBan streaming will insure that a Punkbusted player will remain banned from any PBBan streamed server because being kicked by Punkbuster is not enough? Sorry if I am asking stupid questions this is new to me. :huh:
  3. If we get the streaming up and running can he be added or does he have to be in the server while streaming.
  4. Here are a couple of videos of an obvious aimbot that was in our server. I just recently joined the clan and have very little pull. An ex member who still has access to the server posted the logs on this guy and I can supply the info if you can help us out. These vids are converted to wmv but untouched. I am not sure what kind of experience the current admins have but I will do my best to see if they will start streaming. thanks for taking a look B)
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