I am not having much success understanding how PBUCON works and/or how to implement and start it. I know this has been discussed and I've searched the forums and evenbalance but I'm still at a loss.
I rent a dedicated server box running 64bit WinServer 2003 O/S.
Among other games, I have an America's Army 3 (AA3) server installed. Punkbuster is running, taking screenshots, and using a PBBans pbsv.cfg.
Server IP and gameport is:
My server is not streaming.
Do I need to run pbucon.exe found on the EvenBalance site?
If so, where should I place the .exe?
How do I start PBUCON for the first time?
What should I use for the "myaddress" IP and port? login and password?
I know I'm making this much more difficult than it really is....sorry. I'm just thoroughly confused.
Thanks for any help you can give.