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Everything posted by =TS=Jo

  1. Thanks man, I just used the word "lagging" in the search box instead of the "lag" one. I saw that someone had the same problem. You suggest him to remove all the pbbanshub bans and to put the Enforce Ban flag. Thanks for the help and thanks for replying so fast. I am helping my friend with his streaming server on BF2 so that's why I created a new account and that I'm not a streaming admin. I have to prove him that I'm loyal before he give me any admin. Thanks again.
  2. Hi, Today I was sure that some people hacked my server because the server was crashing. After the members of my clan told me that, I personnally went on the server and I saw that it wasn't a server crash but a server lag. Then I opened my logs and I saw that at each time you was unbanning someone, it was making my server lag like crazy. I know that this is the only reason because when I unban someone that just got kick for too short name and got a temp ban of 5 minutes, my server is lagging like that. So, do you have any advice for me. Like do there is a way to prevent that, seperate the pbbans.dat in multiple parts because its about 30 megs at this moment. I've search a little bit on the forums to check if someone had the same problem as me and I didn't found anything. I'm sorry if it's a double post. It's nice to stream, but during a scrim, I don't really like when my servers are lagging like that for unbanning someone. So if you have any link that you can provide to help me fix that. Thanks in advance !
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