Today I was sure that some people hacked my server because the server was crashing. After the members of my clan told me that, I personnally went on the server and I saw that it wasn't a server crash but a server lag.
Then I opened my logs and I saw that at each time you was unbanning someone, it was making my server lag like crazy. I know that this is the only reason because when I unban someone that just got kick for too short name and got a temp ban of 5 minutes, my server is lagging like that.
So, do you have any advice for me. Like do there is a way to prevent that, seperate the pbbans.dat in multiple parts because its about 30 megs at this moment.
I've search a little bit on the forums to check if someone had the same problem as me and I didn't found anything. I'm sorry if it's a double post. It's nice to stream, but during a scrim, I don't really like when my servers are lagging like that for unbanning someone. So if you have any link that you can provide to help me fix that.
Thanks in advance !