Whatever happened with PB software and/or servers about 4-5 weeks ago has left a group of us stranded.. unable to play PB servers anymore. I have been playing SOF II for over 2 years and now all of a sudden an error with PB??
I have done 4 "clean installs" on two (2) different MAC computers.. only to have the same thing happen each time..
After about 10 minutes into the game, I get kicked with the message "INIT FAILURE" visit evenbalance.com ...or I just get kicked and a message "visit evenbalance.com" for PB update, etc.
After I download PB updates or download files manually the PUNKBUSTER option is LOCKED ie; it cannot be turned on??
Whatever this BUG is - PB does not let you enable PUNKBUSTER in the game menu (cannot choose "YES")
There is a group of about 12 (clan if you will) that all play on a MAC at the office during lunch (ok, not always at lunch:) and currently, NOT VERY HAPPY WITH PB ISSUE!!! PLEASE HELP!!!! :(