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Everything posted by stonecutter

  1. Possible fix for the Mac - PB INIT "KICK" MESSAGE :) ***finally heard from evenbalance and a guy there sent me a "pbcl.mac" file which i had to save and replace my old file with.. seems to work?? (I played 6-7 games) YEAH!!! ...but when i go to quit, it crashes.. a small window asks if i want to send a crash report or quit??? I'll keep you guys updated?? more to come.
  2. Whatever happened with PB software and/or servers about 4-5 weeks ago has left a group of us stranded.. unable to play PB servers anymore. I have been playing SOF II for over 2 years and now all of a sudden an error with PB?? I have done 4 "clean installs" on two (2) different MAC computers.. only to have the same thing happen each time.. After about 10 minutes into the game, I get kicked with the message "INIT FAILURE" visit evenbalance.com ...or I just get kicked and a message "visit evenbalance.com" for PB update, etc. After I download PB updates or download files manually the PUNKBUSTER option is LOCKED ie; it cannot be turned on?? Whatever this BUG is - PB does not let you enable PUNKBUSTER in the game menu (cannot choose "YES") There is a group of about 12 (clan if you will) that all play on a MAC at the office during lunch (ok, not always at lunch:) and currently, NOT VERY HAPPY WITH PB ISSUE!!! PLEASE HELP!!!! :(
  3. whats this???... I am also on a mac and I'm having the same EXACT SAME issue.. I have tried the PB update and the manual "save as" to the appropriate folders.. both seem to download and give message like the update has been done.. but when you go back to the game the PUNKBUSTER "YES NO" is LOCKED!! It can not be turned to "YES" Feels like some kind of BUG in the game or update??? Very frustrated... I thought maybe a MOD was conflicting.. but i have redone the whole re-install process 4 times (CLEAN INSTALL) and get the same result! Someone please HELP!!! :) OBSERVATION - I did notice that after the gold patch //inside ("application support folder") there are now two folders.. 1-("Soldier of Fortune 2") which only contains the ("lockouts.plist") and 2-("Soldier of Fortune 2 MP") which has "base" "pb" "rocmod" and "servercache.dat" I was wondering if this had anything to do with the bigger issue?? do I need two sets of "base" and "pb" folders?? that make sense to anyone? one set inside the //SOF Application folder ...and one set inside //library //application support //Soldier of Fortune 2 MP **see screen shot attached. Email me... [email protected] pb_2places.pdf
  4. **HELP!! OK, so I ran the punkbuster setup and it seemed to run and update.. - then I launch SOF .. ONLY now, Punkbuster won't change from NO to YES??? to allow me online??? (image of my update window attached) any ideas?? anyone?? ________________________________________________________________________________ _______ I also play PB servers and now getting kicked for "pb init failure" ...I'm a daily player of sof2 ...why am I getting this "pb init failure" all of a sudden and getting kicked from servers that I play all the time? I'm on a MAC, I just downloaded & ran the update PB /pbsetup ...hopefully this will work?? used the PBSetup, link from above in this post/string setup_window.pdf
  5. I also play PB servers and now getting kicked for "pb init failure" ...I'm a daily player of sof2 ...why am I getting this "pb init failure" all of a sudden and getting kicked from servers that I play all the time? I'm on a MAC, I just downloaded & ran the update PB /pbsetup ...hopefully this will work?? :D used the PBSetup, link from above in this post/string
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