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Everything posted by MoNsTeReNeRgY22

  1. We have our server up and running, and we do our best to keep it populated, but auto-balance doesnt seem to work for crap. Sooner or later the teams become 10 on 2 and the server just dies. Anyone else having problems with this or have a fix/work around for it? Thanks!
  2. Howcome everytime I join my server and then check my log my guid is always changing?
  3. Was able to get it streaming by using port 10030, but still no luck here.
  4. Update: My GSP changed the location of our PB directory and no streaming yet.
  5. Ok, thanks for the info. Gonna send in a support ticket to see if I can get the problem fixed.
  6. Looks like Im going to have to contact Art of War and see what is going on.
  7. Well i found the setting for it, but it gives this caution if i enable it. Enable punkbuster? Might disable ranking, but fix PB INIT FAILUREs.
  8. Well we have had our Bad Company 2 server from AoW running since release date and I can't get it to stream.
  9. way too true! lmfao
  10. So we have a release date yet for this game??
  11. Well I found this tool while browsing the internet, its suppoused to lower your ping in online games. It claims to optimize network registry settings by turning off ACK delays and small packet delays. So you think it actually works? http://www.pcworld.com/downloads/file/fid,69213-order,4-page,1/description.html
  12. Well I have a weird problem with my CoD4. I updated to 1.7 when it came out, but today I am noticing I get the Auto-Update option for some reason on the main menu. I am updated so I don't know why it is there. Any ideas on how to get rid of it? Thanks, Monster
  13. Awesome!!! Thanks!!! B)
  14. Very nice work, but its all about ATI!
  15. Also, here a vid of the new Kill Cam. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Tt9Q9t8Wu8
  16. Thanks for the info =GG=RocknRoll, but
  17. Hi all, Well I was just notified by one of my clan mates, that most of our members keep getting kicked for using a protected tag.
  18. Anyway you we can add this to Opera?
  19. Thanks, that got it working!
  20. Hi, We just had our clan's tag registered, but our guy who registered it with his email is away because he is moving.
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