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Game Host.ru

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Everything posted by Game Host.ru

  1. Hope they finish it before end of century all listed bugs is most annoying thing for all bf2 admins
  2. You want say ALL EA if one big <quote here> (or I want & say :) )
  3. but how their appeared there ???
  4. yes btw I forget about it you only need modmanager 1.8 installed on you server (+ of course 1.5 BF2142 )
  5. about setting for bf2142 so set bf2142 and port to 17567 will help I think (replace all 16567 to 17567)
  6. As I see in sources it already works with bf2142 and many other (but not found yet where to choose preferred game) looks like I found it will try to set it up on my hosting server
  7. already done in SGA server tools (without auto recheck & sound signal :) )
  8. Ok I know how with bf2 in-game commands make esp-cheat, continue ? Anyway I prey that PB will detect and ban any autohotkey :)
  9. so if this program changes usersettings.con then we have md5 check to kick users with this modified file if all done in memory of game and not written to file then thats sux don`t think that normal players need it so I prefer ban for this kind of tools (and autohotkey is first of them) PsB link to thread about md5 check
  10. lol nothing more
  11. :lol: awesome Ill take 20 bottles at any cost
  12. multiple guids its a playing under same account from different machines / with different keys
  13. What ?? logging in on other machine / with other key will provide other GUID (account has only one static thing and its a PID) PBGUID genertated with usage of the product key and hardware finger print (HW bans comes some times to the world :) ) still the question for me logging from different hardware but with same key (just lazy to test it :) )
  14. solved they fixed their servers and now we streaming to pbbans too :)
  15. Our BF2142 server hosted by 4netplayers.de They have very strange (for me) servers control panel All pb-related files only could added to CP by their admins and after that I could change them There is no pbucon.use file in BF2142 CP and when I asked to add it they replied to me that "Theris a prbolem with pbucon & bf2142 and only evenbalance could fix it..." My question is: Is there any real problems with linux BF2142 server and PB/PBucon for BF2142? ( info: I couldn`t create file with pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use, server ingonres it I haven`t ftp access to PB folder Because of described situation our BF2142 server still not streaming, Account ID 2842 ) Thanks in advance for any usefull info :), and any way I`ll try to discuss this situation with hoster one more time
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