Our BF2142 server hosted by 4netplayers.de
They have very strange (for me) servers control panel
All pb-related files only could added to CP by their admins and after that I could change them
There is no pbucon.use file in BF2142 CP and when I asked to add it they replied to me that
"Theris a prbolem with pbucon & bf2142 and only evenbalance could fix it..."
My question is: Is there any real problems with linux BF2142 server and PB/PBucon for BF2142?
I couldn`t create file with pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use, server ingonres it
I haven`t ftp access to PB folder
Because of described situation our BF2142 server still not streaming, Account ID 2842
Thanks in advance for any usefull info :), and any way I`ll try to discuss this situation with hoster
one more time